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Audience Quotes

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I’m not thinking when I’m writing, ‘How’s this going to read?’ Or, ‘What percentage of the audience is going to stay with me?’ The thing itself is what gives me pleasure. Sometimes stuff just falls onto the page so beautifully and happily that it’s deeply satisfying. It’s selfish!  (Audience Quotes) I don’t know what the secret to longevity as an actress is. It’s more than talent and beauty. Maybe it’s the audience seeing itself in you.  (Audience Quotes) If you’ve ever noticed, beauty pageants are a lot like county fairs. The farmers show the cows the same way. They walk their prized Jersey cow across a stage in front of an audience with judges, and maybe the cow even twirls around a couple of times. Then the winning cow gets a satin ribbon draped over it, which has the title and the year on it.  (Audience Quotes) And over the course of the last six years, as I’ve directed more features and commercials, I’ve become better at articulating exactly how I want the audience to feel.  (Audience Quotes) I have spoken, and I was understood. It’s not like I’m a tragic person who wasn’t understood. All those books are in print, all those movies are still out there, the audience gets younger. So I don’t have that I’ve got to do one thing before I die. I did it.  (Audience Quotes) You don’t really know how your film is going to turn out, but you can give it your best shot and hope the audience loves it. This has been my approach right from the beginning, and it’s helped me a lot in my journey. All you can do is give the film your everything.  (Audience Quotes) I think, often times, it’s the audience that suffers when a show isn’t given the opportunity to have a beginning, middle and end.  (Audience Quotes) Write backwards. Start from the feeling you want the audience to have at the end and then ask How might that happen? continually, until you have a beginning.  (Audience Quotes) I love it all. I don’t want to go through my career with one hand tied behind my back. I love making kids happy. I love the midnight audience. I like intense dramas. And I like high-adrenaline action films.  (Audience Quotes) Both film and fashion are businesses where the audience doesn’t feel or see the work that goes on behind the scenes.  (Audience Quotes) The whole idea of being mesmerized and not in control of your own actions is fascinating and a little spooky. I remember hearing about someone who’d gone to a magic act, and a person in the audience had become hypnotized by observing too closely what magician was doing on stage, and thought it was spooky to lose your consciousness that way.  (Audience Quotes) My favorite job is being a father. I have four girls now. They’re a captive audience.  (Audience Quotes) And the most important thing - apart from telling a good, believable story, and being a true character - is to be someone the audience will care about, even if you’re playing a murderer or rapist.  (Audience Quotes) Apart from being interested in a good role, I think it’s necessary to make up your mind as to whether it will make a movie that will entertain an audience all over the world and not just in your own backyard.  (Audience Quotes) Once you stay true to just having a good time and being honest to your fans and your audience, you can’t go wrong.  (Audience Quotes) People fantasize about being a hero and helping someone in trouble. Batman is that fantasy realized - not just for Bruce Wayne, but for the audience.  (Audience Quotes) For me, being a woman suits what I want to talk about and what my audience wants to hear. Maybe I’m a dying breed.  (Audience Quotes) I love being on stage, I love being able to tell a story, I love the fact that the audience listens and laughs at it. It makes me happy, and it’s what I live for.  (Audience Quotes) I can never remember being afraid of an audience. If the audience could do better, they’d be up here on stage and I’d be out there watching them.  (Audience Quotes) Friends’ played in this territory of being funny, and then also just grabbing your heart. And not afraid of that. It was a comedic soap opera. Not being afraid to have an audience feel something, laugh and cry, was quite extraordinary and quite wonderful.  (Audience Quotes) I always thought that it was every performer’s dream. That’s the epitome of being an artist, being able to express song, dance and acting in a live theatre setting and really connecting with an audience on that level.  (Audience Quotes) I love doing theater so much - being in front of an audience and seeing how a character grows and develops with every performance.  (Audience Quotes) What is exciting is taking back the excitement of being able to debut something to an audience in exactly the way you want to.  (Audience Quotes) You can’t explain the feeling of singing hit songs to an audience - it’s like being a genuine sports star at the peak of their powers.  (Audience Quotes) Billy Elliot’ prides itself on being a family show, and it made sense to specifically cater to a family audience with an earlier evening curtain time.  (Audience Quotes) I like joking around and being a little mischievous. Once an audience or even a group of friends realizes that you’re being benevolent about it, then they’re along for the ride.  (Audience Quotes) Freedom lies in being naked and the courage to be ‘yourself’ in front of the audience  (Audience Quotes) Music that touches the transcendental aspect of a human being is reserved for a marginal audience  (Audience Quotes) When I go and make smaller films, I actually never think about them being made for a smaller audience.  (Audience Quotes) If you want to reach every person in the audience, it’s not about being bigger, it’s about going deeper.  (Audience Quotes)
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