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Emeril’ came on the air right when a new president of NBC was taking over, and there was just a big shift going on. And then 9/11 happened, and that really pretty much killed it, because the show was already having a hard time finding an audience. I don’t regret it. I had a really good time.  (Audience Quotes) The bigger the budget, the less an audience is trusted, and that’s the difference between a big-budget film and a small-budget film.  (Audience Quotes) I’ve passed on a lot of huge-money jobs. Money doesn’t enter into the decision-making. If I do a big blockbuster, it’s about how big an audience you’ll get and where you can take them.  (Audience Quotes) I think it’s fun to look at people with big diamonds. I see them in my audience all the time, with the fur coat, a woman whose hand is always out front, or the two fingers are on the cheek to show her diamond. I don’t have anything against that.  (Audience Quotes) I’m definitely attracted to the idea of people that have these big aspirations that the audience know might never happen, but they’re lost in them.  (Audience Quotes) From the stage, I can reach a large audience, and you learn from being on stage how much a song reaches, what extent of the crowd a song can reach. I write in a way that can reach most of the audience, but I also wanted to have truly intimate moments as well, many intimate moments, more so than the big moments.  (Audience Quotes) What you want is the opportunity to work and an audience. Prizes after that are just a great big bonus.  (Audience Quotes) The thrill of performing - that’s something that hasn’t changed for me. That simultaneous joy of creating something and sharing it with an audience - it’s the same now as it was then, when it was just my cousins’ birthday party.  (Audience Quotes) You can’t fool an audience with lots of bits and pieces. You have to lead them somewhere.  (Audience Quotes) There’s an appetite for vigour in films. The camera loves a bit of movement. Movement is usually attached to younger people and men, and that’s just the way it is. I think that it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it’s a fact that there aren’t going to be masses and masses of roles for older women because there isn’t the audience for it.  (Audience Quotes) African-Americans are not a monolithic group. So, we tend to talk about the black community, the black culture, the African-American television viewing audience, but there are just as many facets of us as there are other cultures.  (Audience Quotes) I have the most eclectic audience - I’ve got gay, I’ve got straight, black, white, rich, poor, young, old, in 45 countries. And they don’t all come because I’m the Sinatra kid, though that’s a big part of it. My biggest successes have come from pop songs that I write myself.  (Audience Quotes) It’s a neat experience to go from the blank page to an actor elevating it to the audience understanding it - the full life of that is why I became a writer.  (Audience Quotes) I think it’s great training for any comedian to start on cows. Because with cows, you expect them to be bored and just stare at you blankly. And that’s exactly what you’ll get at a comedy club. If you can toughen up with a cow audience, then you’ll never be worried with a human audience.  (Audience Quotes) You can go from doing something quite silly to something dead serious in the blink of an eye, and if you’re making those connections with your audience then they’re going to go right along with it.  (Audience Quotes) When I write, I keep the family audience in mind. I ensure there’s no vulgarity, as families are coming into the theatres, and there’s no blood and gore because of the kids. There is a set of people who doesn’t like my cinema, but there’s a bigger group that likes the kind of movies I make.  (Audience Quotes) I loathe rock stars. I am a music nerd, a fan, a follower... just like any fan of music might be. And although I have blood-relatives, a lot of times I feel closer to my audience than my true family, because at least my fans get what I’m doing, to a certain extent, whereas my family does not.  (Audience Quotes) Emotion is always multiplied in the art of a person who doesn’t really show much emotion. It once expanded deep within his hidden soul, and following the downplay his audience is blown away.  (Audience Quotes) As much as I’d like to think and as much as people mistakenly think my audience is blue collar people in the heart of America, my audience is basically, in the States, an NPR audience. I play college towns in the summer because that’s who comes to see me.  (Audience Quotes) I suppose, in a way, one could say I may be less interested in my career than the audience is. Not to mean that I’m disinterested in my career, but I don’t see it in terms of one stepping stone or, ‘Now I’m going to go into my blue phase,’ or what have you.  (Audience Quotes) I’m in a position I never imagined I’d be in as a musician. Bob Dylan built an audience through recording and live shows. The opportunities for an artist today are totally different.  (Audience Quotes) If I’m doing a concert, and I’m having a problem with the audience... I just play a Bob Marley song, and I’m good for the rest of the night.  (Audience Quotes) The mass audience doesn’t want to see you if you aren’t perfect. If you don’t look a certain way, if you don’t have big pecs and great skin and the perfect eyes. And it’s unfortunate, because kids are growing up with body image dysmorphia because not everyone is represented on the screen.  (Audience Quotes) Here’s the thing, with comedy - and I learned this from Will Ferrell - you can’t be ashamed. If you’re doing comedy, you have to fully commit to the joke. Shame is not part of it. If you act shy or uncomfortable about your body, that makes the audience shy and uncomfortable. And in a comedy you just want them to loosen up and laugh.  (Audience Quotes) Stereotypically speaking feminists can’t take a joke. ::audience boo:: See?  (Audience Quotes) The distinctions of what makes a book one genre or another can sometimes be a bit muddy, but generally it’s a matter of projecting who the audience will be, which is a judgment that’s based on the subject matter. ‘Mainstream’ is the cleanest label for a book that draws readers of both sexes and from a wide age-range.  (Audience Quotes) When the book is over, I think of innovative marketing ways to reach to a larger audience. I think wine and cheese book launch parties are a waste.  (Audience Quotes) Readers really want to come back to an author; they do not want a one-book wonder. That is all very well, but to be career author, you have to be prepared to write one really good book and then write another really good book and keep feeding your readers. You build your audience over a long time.  (Audience Quotes) The great thing about a sitcom is that you’re in front of a live audience, so you really get in touch with what audience reaction is, but also there are lots of elements of film that you’re dealing with, and there’s kind of a great boot camp or graduate school mentality to it, because you’re going to suck.  (Audience Quotes) There are a lot of lousy conferences that pander to sponsors. They end up creating an opportunity for boring speakers who are paid shills for their companies. We still get a few of those, but we really try to police it. Think about who the audience is and what works for them, and deliver high-quality content.  (Audience Quotes)
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