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Humanizing good people is kind of boring and I don’t really see the value in it... humanizing tricky characters is exhilarating, and making audience films out of indie subjects excites me.  (Audience Quotes) Once I threw a water bottle from the stage into the audience, and it hit Tony Bennett in the head. It was a special moment for me.  (Audience Quotes) Downward Spiral’ felt like I had an unending bottomless pit of rage and self-loathing inside me and I had to somehow challenge something or I’d explode. I thought I could get through by putting everything into my music, standing in front of an audience and screaming emotions at them from my guts.  (Audience Quotes) The truth is that everyone pays attention to who’s number one at the box office. And none of it matters, because the only thing that really exists is the connection the audience has with a movie.  (Audience Quotes) Sometimes I know a film might not pull the audience to the theatres and have a great collection at the box office. But I need to do these films for creative satisfaction and give something different to the audience.  (Audience Quotes) After I perform ‘My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend,’ it takes a lot out of me emotionally; and, at the end of it, I feel like I know the audience and the audience knows me. It’s this weird unspoken bond that we’ll kind of always have with each other.  (Audience Quotes) Football is entertainment in which the audience is expected to delight in gladiatorial action that a growing portion of the audience knows may cause the players degenerative brain disease.  (Audience Quotes) The experience that a publication creates for its audience is the very essence of that publication’s brand - and without deep engagement, that publication’s brand will be weak. A good publication is a convener and an arbiter - it expresses a core narrative that becomes a badge of sorts for its readership.  (Audience Quotes) In France, they call the people who come to the theatre ‘les spectateurs’ in Britain and Ireland, they are the audience, the people who listen. This does not mean the French are not interested in language. On the contrary. It actually says more about the undeveloped visual sense over here.  (Audience Quotes) Because of the earlier loss of the two elder siblings, my brother and I lived a very pampered and protected life. Nursemaids kept constant watch. With my parents busy at dinner parties and social events, we only met them as if for a daily royal audience.  (Audience Quotes) I did a film that was similar to that world, which was Brotherly Love, and the audience fell in love with [my character] June. So to be honest, I remembered what I did in that movie and studied that film and my mannerisms while shooting in Philly.  (Audience Quotes) Bruce Springsteen really got any creative person’s dream career, and his good-heartedness and good-spiritedness are part of it: both because it made the people behind the scenes want to do their jobs that much better, but it also means that he connects with an audience in a way that holds them close.  (Audience Quotes) In terms of the pilot, you have to introduce a lot of characters in a very short period of time, and you have to paint with slightly broad brush strokes because you just need to give an audience an idea of who these people might be.  (Audience Quotes) Acting for the Indian audience is surely on my bucket list; it may take some time, though  (Audience Quotes) Over the years, I’ve been trying to build a relationship with an audience. I’ve tried to maintain as much of a low profile as I could so that those characters would emerge and their relationship with audiences would be protected.  (Audience Quotes) Today you can start a blog, build an audience, and give the advertising slots to AdBrite or Google AdSense.  (Audience Quotes) You know, in the old days, you might be able to slowly sort of build an audience for your work by publishing two, three novels before you hit it big. You know, now, there’s much more of an emphasis in the publishing houses on making sure that every book makes money.  (Audience Quotes) It’s difficult to build services that are supposed to scale to, you know, 30, 50, 100 million users right off the bat because they got to be kind of tailored down; by definition, they have to be a little bit generic to speak to that large of an audience.  (Audience Quotes) Put simply, my vision for AOL is to build the largest and most sophisticated global advertising network while we grow the size and engagement of our worldwide audience.  (Audience Quotes) When you have an audience standing and screaming the entire way through the short program and cheering every element you do, whether it’s footwork, or spin, or a jump, to have that kind of emotion coming at you from every direction in the building, it’s the most amazing sensation you can get as a sportsman.  (Audience Quotes) Sometimes it takes a while to find that perfect balance between knowing who you are, what your sound is, and building the right team to make that happen. Once it all really comes together and it makes sense, both for the audience and your fans, there’s no stopping you.  (Audience Quotes) I think in our culture there’s been a tendency for people to blame the audience. There is a tendency in our industry to say, ‘The audience has left the building. People don’t want culture anymore.’  (Audience Quotes) The nice thing about building up your own studio is if Hollywood decides to hate faith-based films, it doesn’t matter to us. We have an audience and continue to serve that audience.  (Audience Quotes) We still have that same burn, to get that same kind of laughs. So whether the studio wants us to or not, we’re going to do it. The money is just a byproduct of coming out with good stuff. Our whole thing is building that rapport with the audience.  (Audience Quotes) Acting is a business and a political act and a craft, but I also feel like it’s a service - specifically, for a military audience.  (Audience Quotes) If the movie is quiet I generally feel the audience is busy. That’s when they’re working.  (Audience Quotes) Most obviously it [Doctor Strange] will introduce a new character who will be in play in the universe, but once you have gotten an audience to buy into a new concept then it’s fun to keep, to play-off, or spin-off that concept down the line.  (Audience Quotes) Leave a movie audience inspired, and they will want to ingrain that movie into their lives with the toys, branded food products, soundtracks, and clothing they buy.  (Audience Quotes) When I’m on camera, I have to do things pretty much the way I do things in everyday life. It gives the audience someone real to identify with.  (Audience Quotes) I will never lose anything that an audience will miss.I turned things that were scripted as effects into in-camera stuff, which is sexier.  (Audience Quotes)
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