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Audience Quotes

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Our profile was pretty low, deliberately so. Our constituents were a relatively small audience  (Audience Quotes) Now we have an audience that is so very eclectic. Big, tremendous fans  (Audience Quotes) I get a lot of inspiration from the audience feedback to our live shows  (Audience Quotes) I wouldn’t have expected an audience of ours to burn down our equipment  (Audience Quotes) My intended audience was everybody. I just want to make cartoons for human beings  (Audience Quotes) Condense some daily experience into a glowing symbol, and the audience is electrified  (Audience Quotes) In his day, the audience was well aware of the music, of the classical beat  (Audience Quotes) Youngsters are the most discerning audience. They want entertainment, they want issues  (Audience Quotes) As long as the protagonist wants something, the audience will want something  (Audience Quotes) I believe in anything that will engage the audience and make the story more effective  (Audience Quotes) To me, a multi-cam is just like the feeling you get from the audience  (Audience Quotes) I aim my music at the hip black hip-hop audience  (Audience Quotes) The best audience is intelligent, well - educated and a little drunk  (Audience Quotes) I was playing catch with the European audience  (Audience Quotes) The Japanese seem to be a loyal audience  (Audience Quotes) Your audience teaches you how to be funny  (Audience Quotes) I think the audience likes to be entertained  (Audience Quotes) The audience is the source of the energy that I project back to them  (Audience Quotes) I’ve always had that overweening desire to be liked by the audience  (Audience Quotes) You want the audience to be uncomfortable  (Audience Quotes) You have to keep surprising your audience  (Audience Quotes) Lead the audience by the nose to the thought  (Audience Quotes) Postmodernism cost literature its audience  (Audience Quotes) Your job is to get your audience to care about your obsessions  (Audience Quotes) Basically there are no stars anymore. The audience is the star  (Audience Quotes) Above all, ignore the audience  (Audience Quotes) You know you are in a good film when it affects the audience  (Audience Quotes) I’ve become 40, my audience is partly the same age  (Audience Quotes) I like to make films where I learn along the way, like the audience  (Audience Quotes) I wanted to introduce a contemporary Asia to a North American audience  (Audience Quotes)
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