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AUM or Om is not related to any religion because Om was practiced before the birth of all the religions of the world

AUM or Om is not related to any religion because Om was practiced before the birth of all the religions of the world Picture Quote #1

AUM or Om is not related to any religion because Om was practiced before the birth of all the religions of the world

AUM or Om is a sacred sound and spiritual symbol in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is considered to be the sound of the universe, representing the essence of reality and consciousness. The symbol is often chanted during meditation and prayer, as it is believed to connect the practitioner with the divine.

Many people mistakenly believe that AUM or Om is exclusively associated with Hinduism or other religions that originated in India. However, the truth is that AUM predates all organized religions and has been practiced for thousands of years by various cultures around the world. The sound of AUM is said to have been heard by ancient sages and seers during deep meditation, long before the birth of any religion.

Amit Ray, a spiritual teacher and author known for his teachings on mindfulness and meditation, often emphasizes the universal nature of AUM. He teaches that the sound of AUM transcends religious boundaries and is a powerful tool for connecting with the divine within oneself. Ray believes that AUM is a symbol of unity and oneness, representing the interconnectedness of all beings and the universe.
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