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Auschwitz Quotes

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Auschwitz exists because of politicized science  (Auschwitz Quotes) To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric  (Auschwitz Quotes) God of forgiveness, do not forgive those murderers of Jewish children here [at Auschwitz]  (Auschwitz Quotes) Auschwitz is a place in which tragedy cannot occur  (Auschwitz Quotes) I know this is insane, but I somehow wish I had been in auschwitz with my parents so I could really know what they lived through! I guess it’s some kind of guilt about having had an easier life than they did.  (Auschwitz Quotes) I work all the time; whatever I do, I do it, and I don’t necessarily look at it as work. You could say the Auschwitz project was work, or the Lowy Institute is work, or Westfield is work, or the football is work. It is life.  (Auschwitz Quotes) What I discovered in Auschwitz is the human condition, the end point of a great adventure, where the European traveler arrived after his two-thousand-year-old moral and cultural history.  (Auschwitz Quotes) And if the imam and the Muslim leadership in that community is so intent on building bridges, then they should voluntarily move the mosque away from ground zero and move it whether it’s uptown or somewhere else, but move it away from that area, the same as the pope directed the Carmelite nuns to move a convent away from Auschwitz.  (Auschwitz Quotes) When we write about Auschwitz, we must know that Auschwitz, in a certain sense at least, suspended literature. One can only write a black novel about Auschwitz or - you should excuse the expression - a cheap serial, which begins in Auschwitz and is still not over.  (Auschwitz Quotes) We know that a man can read Goethe or Rilke in the evening, that he can play Bach and Schubert, and go to his day’s work at Auschwitz in the morning.  (Auschwitz Quotes) We always see the Holocaust in terms of black-and-white images, barking Germans, cowering Jews. We know very well-known fixed places like Auschwitz, Birkenau, Treblinka, and Beltzec. Instead, war can live in a couple having a spat, when we say, That was a real war. We very rarely have the Holocaust live in the terms of today. And I think that’s a problem, because it becomes ancient history.  (Auschwitz Quotes) I’ve worked with five Presidents in America, all of them I ask the same question always: Why didn’t the American allies bomb the railways going to Auschwitz?  (Auschwitz Quotes) Ask most kids about details about Auschwitz or about how the American Indians were assassinated as a people and they don’t know anything about it. They don’t want to know anything. Most people just want their beer or their soap opera or their lullaby.  (Auschwitz Quotes) The Holocaust survivor who knows Auschwitz through the experience of suffering observes it all from the perspective assigned to him. He keeps silent or gives interviews to the Spielberg Foundation, he accepts the compensation payments promised him after a fifty-year delay, or, if he is prominent, he makes a speech in the Swedish Academy.  (Auschwitz Quotes) Almost 20 percent of the people living in Germany today have a foreign background. The problem is that Germany can’t really offer foreigners an identity because the Germans hardly have a national identity themselves. That is certainly a result of Auschwitz  (Auschwitz Quotes) The concept of emotional or spiritual survival has an honorable history, but it does invite self-indulgence. In my own case, the worst I ever survived was severe personal and political confusion, the temptation to various sorts of craziness and a couple of bad acid trips. It felt pretty horrendous at the time, and some of it was even dangerous, but Auschwitz it wasn’t  (Auschwitz Quotes) Auschwitz stands as a tragic reminder of the terrible potential man has for violence and inhumanity  (Auschwitz Quotes) I was convinced that hatred among nations and among people perished in Auschwitz. It didn’t. The victims died but the haters are still here  (Auschwitz Quotes) I don’t think I could ever go to Auschwitz, because when we took that tour of MGM, I nearly collapsed outside the Thalberg building  (Auschwitz Quotes) During the first 3 years at Auschwitz, 2 million people died; over the next 2 years - 3 million  (Auschwitz Quotes) So they didn’t let anybody else off. I can’t live like this, I’m finished. Auschwitz was easy  (Auschwitz Quotes) Auschwitz cries out with the pain of immense suffering and pleads for a future of respect, peace and encounter among peoples  (Auschwitz Quotes) Auschwitz is outside of us, but it is all around us, in the air. The plague has died away, but the infection still lingers and it would be foolish to deny it. Rejection of human solidarity, obtuse and cynical indifference to the suffering of others, abdication of the intellect and of moral sense to the principle of authority, and above all, at the root of everything, a sweeping tide of cowardice, a colossal cowardice which masks itself as warring virtue, love of country and faith in an idea  (Auschwitz Quotes) I know this is insane, but I somehow wish I had been in auschwitz with my parents so I could really know what they lived through! I guess it’s some kind of guilt about having had an easier life than they did  (Auschwitz Quotes) Perhaps some day someone will explain how, on the level of man, Auschwitz was possible; but on the level of God, it will forever remain the most disturbing of mysteries  (Auschwitz Quotes)