Australia Quotes

Text Quotes
Victoria is proudly the multicultural capital of Australia; we have a diverse, harmonious community. (Australia Quotes)
The death of Malcolm Fraser underwrites a great loss to Australia... I always thought Malcolm would be around a lot longer. I must say, I wished he had been. (Australia Quotes)
Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen has been the Queensland premier the whole time we’ve been in Australia, and the state is a national joke for having a Deep North government thats said to resemble governments of a generation or more ago in some parts of the US Deep South - governments that always talk about getting things done and never talk about rights. (Australia Quotes)
If we wait for the U.S. to do something, we will be waiting for a very long time. It’s Europe, it’s Australia, it’s the other developed and middle developing countries that have got to do the job. (Australia Quotes)
The people of Australia would be staggered to learn that Australia has no national development plan. (Australia Quotes)
The Menzies Government, by its participation in the plans for the development of other nations, can see the virtue of planning for them but apparently cannot see the virtue of a plan for Australia. (Australia Quotes)
My father’s from Australia and my mother was born in India, but she’s actually Tibetan. I was born in Katmandu, lived there until I was eight, and then moved to Australia with my mother and father. So yeah, I’m very mixed up, been to many different schools. (Australia Quotes)
When I graduated from high school, I had artistic and academic scholarships, and I was trying to figure out what to do. I decided to audition for the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, Julliard, and the National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Sydney, Australia. (Australia Quotes)
Well, my thoughts about California are kind of mythological. To me, as well as being a real place, it’s a place where people go to find something - to find happiness or to realize their dreams. So it has that kind of quality of heroism and heartache, and Australia has that, as well. (Australia Quotes)
Under Howard, federal government support for black Australia slowly dried up. Services were slashed, native title restricted. (Australia Quotes)
Although I could read before I went to school, and I won the school reading prize at five years old, my early children’s stories came from the radio and watching films at a cinema on Saturday mornings in Australia. It wasn’t until I was nine years old on a ship returning from Australia that I was introduced to children’s books. (Australia Quotes)
I had been reading a lot about pioneers in Australia and the colonization of Australia, and pioneers in Virginia and the early settlers in the United States, and I was fascinated by those communities and how they grew, how their politics developed, and the actual suffering of those people and the tribulations they went through. (Australia Quotes)
Let me give you a little Mendelsohn 101: I came up in television in the early- to mid- 1980s in Australia. (Australia Quotes)
Australia - not western in geography, of course, but in every other respect for sure (it certainly doesn’t want to be regarded as Asian, God forbid) - loves nothing more than to throw its weight around in South-East Asia by playing peacekeeper, carrying out its role as the United States’ regional policeman. (Australia Quotes)
I currently live independently without any funded support. I’m educated, and I’m employed. I enjoy paying my taxes and contributing to the economic life of Australia. (Australia Quotes)
To the former child migrants, who came to Australia from a home far away, led to believe this land would be a new beginning, when only to find it was not a beginning, but an end, an end of innocence - we apologise and we are sorry. To the mothers who lost the maternal right to love and care for their child - we apologise, and we are sorry. (Australia Quotes)
By March 87 we’re down to seven thousand, by the end of the year we’re down to twelve hundred. The whole bottom just fell out of the market. It was bad for me because I was in Australia at the time. (Australia Quotes)
When I was a kid, it was thought I would do something in the visual arts because I was always drawing, but when we emigrated to Australia from Holland when I was seven, I learnt the English language, and I fell in love with it. (Australia Quotes)
Los Angeles and Sydney are very similar, but I definitely enjoy more fresh seafood when I’m back in Australia, as there is so much great, fresh produce here. I also like going swimming at the beach while I’m home, too. (Australia Quotes)
Many European countries, as well as Australia, Canada, Israel, and New Zealand, have adopted legislation that creates a ‘public lending right’, where the government recognises that enabling hundreds of people to read a single copy of a book provides a public good, but that doing so is likely to reduce sales of the book. (Australia Quotes)
There is nothing in the world like the extraordinary Shiraz and Grenache wines from South Australia. While the most sought-after are undeniably expensive (they’re made in tiny quantities from ancient vines), they are huge, rich and concentrated, and represent some of planet Earth’s most compelling wines. (Australia Quotes)
I started working on a TV show in Australia, straight out of high school, so I missed the whole university experience. (Australia Quotes)
The magnitude of discrimination and stigma faced by people with disability in Australia cannot be underestimated. People do not understand disability, and people fear what they don’t understand. (Australia Quotes)
For much of the latter part of the 20th century, Australia seemed to be opening up to something large and good. It believed itself a generous country, the land of the ‘fair go.’ (Australia Quotes)
We travel a lot from Australia and deliberately route ourselves through the U.A.E. because my whole family loves the place. (Australia Quotes)
There isn’t a lot of work in Australia. I think that’s why everyone comes over to America to find jobs and pilots and things, because there’s not enough work to justify staying there, unfortunately. Like, I wish there was. I would love to stay home and be working with my family around the corner, but the work just isn’t there. (Australia Quotes)
The Secret River’ began because, at the age of 50, I suddenly realised I knew nothing about how my own family had got its foothold in Australia. (Australia Quotes)
A lot of artists get famous overseas first. I don’t know what it is here. I have a large underground following in the U.S., but I don’t get the airplay as much as I do in, say, Australia. Over there, they can play whatever they like, it seems, but not so much here. (Australia Quotes)
My great-grandmother was born in London, the daughter of a Brixton coachman, and became the most famous singer in Australia. Her name was Marie Carandini, Madame Carandini. (Australia Quotes)
One place I haven’t made it to - mainly because it’s so far away - is Australia, so I’d love to go there. I’ve heard great things about Australia and New Zealand. (Australia Quotes)