Authority Quotes

Text Quotes
It is not what the man of science believes that distinguishes him, but how and why he believes it. His beliefs are tentative, not dogmatic; they are based on evidence, not on authority or intuition (Authority Quotes)
My mother was an authority on pig sties. This is the worst looking pigsty I have ever seen in my life, and I want it cleaned up right now (Authority Quotes)
Authority without wisdom is like a heavy ax without an edge - fitter to bruise than polish (Authority Quotes)
Indeed, organizing atheists has been compared to herding cats, because they tend to think independently and will not conform to authority (Authority Quotes)
A regime that wraps itself in the flag of truth fears truth most of all, for if its story is falsified to the slightest degree, its authority is gone (Authority Quotes)
People want guidance, not rhetoric. They need to know what the plan of action is, and how it will be implemented. They want to be given responsibility to help solve the problem and authority to act on it (Authority Quotes)
Authority, when first detecting chaos at its heels, will entertain the vilest schemes to save its orderly facade (Authority Quotes)
Authority allows two roles: the torturer and the tortured. Twists people into joyless mannequins that fear and hate, while culture plunges into the abyss (Authority Quotes)
... mediocre people find their way into positions of authority... because when it comes to even the most important positions, our selection decisions are a good deal less rational than we think (Authority Quotes)
Arguments from authority carry little weight – authorities have made mistakes in the past. They will do so again in the future. Perhaps a better way to say it is that in science there are no authorities; at most, there are experts (Authority Quotes)
Insurgent, he says. Noun. A person who acts in opposition to the established authority, who is not necessarily regarded as a belligerent (Authority Quotes)
As soon as we abandon our reason and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles (Authority Quotes)
If you find from your own experience that something is a fact and it contradicts what some authority has written down, then you must abandon the authority and base your reasoning on your own findings (Authority Quotes)
Police are inevitably corrupted... Police always observe that criminals prosper. It takes a pretty dull policeman to miss the fact that the position of authority is the most prosperous criminal position available (Authority Quotes)
Whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that is sin to you, however, innocent it may be in itself (Authority Quotes)
The same state of the passions which fits the multitude, who have not a sufficient stock of reason and knowledge to guide them, for opposition to tyranny and oppression, very naturally leads them to a contempt and disregard of all authority (Authority Quotes)
Hence, in a state of nature, no man had any moral power to deprive another of his life, limbs, property, or liberty; nor the least authority to command or exact obedience from him, except that which arose from the ties of consanguinity (Authority Quotes)
The idea of restraining the legislative authority, in the means of providing for the national defense, is one of those refinements which owe their origin to a zeal for liberty more ardent than enlightened (Authority Quotes)
The authority of government... can have no pure right over my person and property but what I concede to it (Authority Quotes)
When the general is weak and without authority; when his orders are not clear and distinct; when there are no fixed duties assigned to officers and men, and the ranks are formed in a slovenly haphazard manner, the result is utter disorganization (Authority Quotes)
If there is disturbance in the camp, the general’s authority is weak. If the banners and flags are shifted about, sedition is afoot. If the officers are angry, it means that the men are weary (Authority Quotes)
When inquiry is suppressed by previous knowledge, or by the authority and experience of another, then learning becomes mere imitation, and imitation causes a human being to repeat what is learned without experiencing it (Authority Quotes)
Teachers who do not take their own education seriously, who do not study, who make little effort to keep abreast of events have no moral authority to coordinate the activities of the classroom (Authority Quotes)
Football is a great deal like life in that it teaches that work, sacrifice, perseverance, competitive drive, selflessness, and respect for authority are the price each and every one of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile (Authority Quotes)
Unto him who is able to keep us from falling, and lift us from the dark to the bright mountain of hope, from the midnight of desperation to the daybreak of joy, to him be power and authority for ever and ever (Authority Quotes)
I saw that everything really was written there before me, and that the doors had only been closed before because I hadn’t realized that I was the one person in the world with the authority to open them (Authority Quotes)
To preserve yourself as the center of the world, to stay your own best authority on everything, your own expert on all topics, infallible, omniscient. Always, every time of the month, forever: Use birth control (Authority Quotes)
Science as such assuredly has no authority, for she can only say what is, not what is not (Authority Quotes)
The first thing to realize in meditation is that there is no authority, that the mind must be completely free to examine, to observe, to learn. And so there is no following, no accepting, no obedience (Authority Quotes)
Nothing is more natural to men in office, than to look with peculiar deference towards that authority to which they owe their official existence (Authority Quotes)