Authority Quotes

Text Quotes
Authority is by nothing so much strengthened and confirmed as by custom; for no man easily distrusts the things which he and all men have been always bred up to (Authority Quotes)
As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely upon authority, there is no end to our troubles. P. 108 (Authority Quotes)
With deregulation, one sector of the economy after another is liberated to capital’s unmonitored authority. The very notion that there is a public interest is contested (Authority Quotes)
Where justice and authority let victims down, solidarity, activism, and a massive effort to create awareness will have to fill the breach (Authority Quotes)
The exercise of authority is odious, and they who know how to govern, leave it in abeyance as much as possible (Authority Quotes)
What is government but an arrangement by which the many accept the authority of the few? (Authority Quotes)
If it is not profitable for the common good that authority should be retained, it ought to be relinquished (Authority Quotes)
The most important message of a crucifix, to me anyway, was how unspeakably cruel supposedly sane human beings can be when under orders from a superior authority (Authority Quotes)
Believe nothing against another but on good authority; and never report what may hurt another, unless it be a greater hurt to some other to conceal it (Authority Quotes)
The people in general ought to have regard to the moral character of those whom they invest with authority either in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches (Authority Quotes)
Defiance to constituted authority leaped like a spark from one flammable area to another, growing in heat as it went (Authority Quotes)
A God that created the world and then walked off the site leaving it to its own devices is not a fit object of worship, nor a source of moral authority (Authority Quotes)
Justice is not to be taken by storm. She is to be wooed by slow advances. Substitute statute for decision, and you shift the center of authority, but add no quota of inspired wisdom (Authority Quotes)
Quiet authority accomplishes what violence cannot, and that mandate compels more which comes from a commanding calm (Authority Quotes)
Always acknowledge a fault frankly. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you opportunity to commit more (Authority Quotes)
There is no greater mindlessness and absurdity than to force conscience and the spirit with external power, when only their creator has authority for them (Authority Quotes)
Was a reaction I learned from my father: Have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, is it reasonable? (Authority Quotes)
The conservative feels safe and content only if he is assured that some higher wisdom watches and supervises change, only if he knows that some authority is charged with keeping the change orderly (Authority Quotes)
Everyone in a position of authority is hysterical, and everyone else is pretending to be asleep (Authority Quotes)
I don’t think it’s healthy for people to want there to be a permanent unalterable irremovable authority over them (Authority Quotes)
I got used to dealing with groups of boys and getting on with life in unpleasant circumstances and being smart and funny and subversive at the expense of authority (Authority Quotes)
Not every defeat of authority is a gain for individual freedom, nor every judicial rescue of a convict a victory for liberty (Authority Quotes)
The submission of free people to the executive authority of government, is no more than a compliance with laws which they themselves have enacted (Authority Quotes)
When the state murders, it assumes an authority I refuse to concede: The authority of perfect knowledge in final things (Authority Quotes)
Imagine using as an authority in the matter of marriage the opinion of a celibate priest! (Authority Quotes)
The improver of natural science absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of duties: blind faith the one unpardonable sin (Authority Quotes)
A nihilist is a man who does not bow down before any authority, who does not take any principle on faith, whatever reverence that principle may be enshrined in (Authority Quotes)
Authority, as he knows it, is always dangerous, selfish, inexplicable. It looks after its own mysterious affairs in a dark privacy. It never explains (Authority Quotes)
A wise man recognizes the convenience of a general statement, but he bows to the authority of a particular fact (Authority Quotes)
Nothing destroyeth authority so much as the unequal and untimely interchange of power pressed too far, and relaxed too much (Authority Quotes)