Authority Quotes

Text Quotes
As in nature things move violently to their place and calmly in their place, so virtue in ambition is violent, in authority settled and calm (Authority Quotes)
For the educated, the authority of science rested on the strictness of its methods; for the mass, it rested on the powers of explanation (Authority Quotes)
Like other potentates with a long habit of arbitrary authority, she covered her perplexity with a smart show of decision (Authority Quotes)
Nothing destroys authority more than the unequal and untimely interchange of power stretched too far and relaxed too much (Authority Quotes)
Roman, remember that you shall rule the nations by your authority, for this is to be your skill, to make peace the custom, to spare the conquered, and to wage war until the haughty are brought low (Authority Quotes)
We are more speedily and fatally corrupted by domestic examples of vice, and particularly when they are impressed on our minds as from authority (Authority Quotes)
It is almost always the unhappiness of a victorious disputant to destroy his own authority by claiming too many consequences, or diffusing his proposition to an indefensible extent (Authority Quotes)
Valor gives awe, and promises protection to those who want heart or strength to defend themselves. This makes the authority of men among women, and that of a master buck in a numerous herd (Authority Quotes)
The authority of reason is far more imperious than that of a master; for he who disobeys the one is unhappy, but he who disobeys the other is a fool (Authority Quotes)
Nothing ought to be more weighed than the nature of books recommended by public authority. So recommended, they soon form the character of the age (Authority Quotes)
Believe nothing against another, but on good authority; nor report what may hurt another, unless it be a greater hurt to another to conceal it (Authority Quotes)
The scars left from the child’s defeat in the fight against irrational authority are to be found at the bottom of every neurosis (Authority Quotes)
The authority of those who teach is very often an impediment to those who desire to learn (Authority Quotes)
Three means to fortify belief are experience, reason, and authority. Of these the more potent is authority; for belief upon reason or experience will stagger (Authority Quotes)
The moderation and toleration of the priests of any sect are in an inverse ratio to its authority and power (Authority Quotes)
An argument from authority is but a weak kind of proof, it being but a topical probation, and an inartificial argument depending on naked asseveration (Authority Quotes)
Those whose conscience demands that they defy authority in some ways that involve great consequences must be willing to accept some penalty (Authority Quotes)
Religion in a magistrate strengthens his authority, because it procures veneration, and gains a reputation to it. In all the affairs of this world, so much reputation is in reality so much power (Authority Quotes)
A man in authority is but as a candle in the wind, sooner wasted or blown out than under a bushel (Authority Quotes)
Not from gray hairs authority doth flow, nor from bald heads, nor from a wrinkled brow; but our past life, when virtuously spent, must to our age those happy fruits present (Authority Quotes)
All authority must be out of a man’s self, turned... Either upon an art, or upon a man (Authority Quotes)
The reason why the simpler sort are moved by authority is the consciousness of their own ignorance (Authority Quotes)
It is not the rigor, but the inexpediency, of laws and acts of authority, which makes them tyrannical (Authority Quotes)
Examples of vicious courses practiced in a domestic circle corrupt more readily and more deeply when we behold them in persons in authority (Authority Quotes)
Our own unresolved authority problems from our youth sometimes get transferred to our youthful patients, because we are still covert adolescent rebels. In subtle ways, we encourage the adolescent patient to rebel towards parents, school authorities, and society in general (Authority Quotes)
Though authority be a stubborn bear, yet he is oft let by the nose with gold (Authority Quotes)
I have been advised by the best medical authority, at my age, not to attempt to give up alcohol (Authority Quotes)
Anyone at any age is able to tell the story of his or her life with authority (Authority Quotes)
If you have no authority to legislate my freedoms, then I’m truly free, at least from you (Authority Quotes)
But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go (Authority Quotes)