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God is lovingly guiding our lives, and we can be confident of His authority over any situation we may face. He never allows anything to happen without a reason.  (Authority Quotes) I think I can speak with a degree of authority... today, the biggest driving force of movies is pace; God help you if you try to put in a scene that is about character and not plot.  (Authority Quotes) I am convinced that people are open to the Christian message if it is seasoned with authority and proclaimed as God’s own Word.  (Authority Quotes) My mother’s side of the family is Methodist, which is how I was raised. It was conservative in that I had strong values - sitting down and eating with the family every day, listening to authority and going to church every week and having perfect attendance at Sunday school.  (Authority Quotes) A chief justice’s authority is really quite limited, and the dynamic among all the justices is going to affect whether he can accomplish much or not. There is this convention of referring to the Taney Court, the Marshall Court, the Fuller Court, but a chief justice has the same vote that everyone else has.  (Authority Quotes) I don’t tend to think in terms of a moral authority - be a good boy, do good things - more in terms of what feels right.  (Authority Quotes) To make a decision, all you need is authority. To make a good decision, you also need knowledge, experience, and insight.  (Authority Quotes) The gospel of Jesus Christ must be the bad news of the conviction of sin before it can be the Good News of redemption. The truth is revealed in God’s Holy Word; life can be lived only in absolute and disciplined submission to its authority.  (Authority Quotes) I wasn’t good with authority, went to lots of schools, didn’t like the fact that there was no autonomy.  (Authority Quotes) At various times during the last four thousand years God has asserted his rights and endeavoured to establish his own authority, his own laws, and his own government among the children of men.  (Authority Quotes) [T]he people as ultimate sovereigns, retain the ultimate power - and even the duty - to overthrow any government that fails to respect their authority.  (Authority Quotes) The intersection of political analysis and Internet theory is a busy crossroad of cliche, where familiar rhetorical vehicles - decentralized authority, emergent leadership, empowered grass roots - create a ceaseless buzz.  (Authority Quotes) In Britain the power of authority was weakened. There was much more individual freedom and there was great academic freedom.  (Authority Quotes) In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.  (Authority Quotes) There is a great deal of quarrelling in the houses, and contending for power and authority; and the second wife is against the first wife, perhaps, in some instances.  (Authority Quotes) To leave positions of great responsibility and authority is to die a little, but the time comes when that must be faced.  (Authority Quotes) To me, authority is something that a freer spirit, a more independent mind, and a person who can handle the world, doesn’t need guidance from.  (Authority Quotes) Leaders must display their humanness. Those under their authority must be empowered and have the courage to engage in honest dialogue.  (Authority Quotes) I’m theologically in line with the Roman Catholic Church. I believe in the authority of the church, but I also have tremendous respect for my brothers and sisters in other Christian faiths.  (Authority Quotes) The persecution of the innovator and protestant has always been inspired by fear on the part of constituted authority of having its infallibility questioned and its power undermined.  (Authority Quotes) In order to be a lieutenant, you’ve got to have authority in your voice. No matter how young your face looks, you’ve got to let your guys know that you’re in charge.  (Authority Quotes) Culturally, I have always been part of the proletariat. I lived side by side with the sons of glassblowers, fishermen and smugglers. The stories they told were shaper satires about the hypocrisy of authority and the middle classes, the two-facedness of teachers and lawyers and politicians. I was born politicized.  (Authority Quotes) The authority of depression is horrifying. I felt like my brain was busted and that I could never feel good again. I really thought that I was never gonna heal.  (Authority Quotes) Fidel Castro was not interested in personal enrichment. His supporters say he deployed his enormous authority on behalf of health, education and welfare programs that brought Cuba attention around the world.  (Authority Quotes) Happily, I come out of a Calvinist tradition in which the Hebrew Bible carries as much authority as the New Testament. No different weight is given to one or the other.  (Authority Quotes)
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