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Auxiliary Quotes

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The military has been tremendously important in the past during catastrophes and in protecting the population. But it shouldn’t become an auxiliary police force  (Auxiliary Quotes) Art includes everything that stimulates the desire to live; science, everything that sharpens the desire to know. Art, even the most disinterested, the most disembodied, is the auxiliary of life  (Auxiliary Quotes) No experimental result can ever kill a theory: any theory can be saved from counterinstances either by some auxiliary hypothesis or by a suitable reinterpretation of its terms  (Auxiliary Quotes) There are certain irregularities which are not the subject of criminal law. But when the criminal law happens to be auxiliary to the law of morality, I do not feel any inclination to explain it away  (Auxiliary Quotes) A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions  (Auxiliary Quotes) The exercises of our meeting are to be simple and devoid of all ceremonial and formalism. They are to consist of a lecture mainly, and, as a pleasing and grateful auxiliary, of music to elevate the heart and give rest to the feelings  (Auxiliary Quotes) I have to say that I saw terrorists in 2002, went to Islamabad, Pakistan, and met women who were supporting this ideology. I call them the Taliban Ladies Auxiliary back then  (Auxiliary Quotes) It is essential to the pure and peaceful administration of justice that all its officers keep carefully within the boundaries of their constitutional powers. Auxiliary to this, but not secondary in importance, is a due knowledge of the leading subjects for their inquiry and decision.  (Auxiliary Quotes) Children go from being a kind of cultural protectorate to the Junior Auxiliary of the tube-watching nation at large, and programs are designed for them on the same principle as they’re designed for grown-ups: as a way to sell eyeballs to advertisers.  (Auxiliary Quotes) I think we’re going to have auxiliary hard drives to offload our memories  (Auxiliary Quotes)