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Avarice Quotes

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Avarice, the sphincter of the heart  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice fills its purse at the expense of its belly  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice is especially, I suppose, a disease of the imagination  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice is rarely the vice of youth  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice is more opposite to economy than liberality  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice is more directly opposed to thrift than generosity is  (Avarice Quotes) Poverty wants some, luxury many, and avarice all things  (Avarice Quotes) My friends are my estate. Forgive me then the avarice to hoard them!  (Avarice Quotes) To hazard much to get much has more of avarice than wisdom  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice is as destitute of what it has, as poverty of what it has not  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice is always poor  (Avarice Quotes) It is not the want, but rather abundance that creates avarice  (Avarice Quotes) Gaming is the child of avarice, but the parent of prodigality  (Avarice Quotes) Love, anger, pride and avarice all visibly move in those little orbs  (Avarice Quotes) You despise a man for avarice; but you do not hate him  (Avarice Quotes) Loosen the bonds of avarice from your hands and neck  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice is the vice of declining years  (Avarice Quotes) Love is always a stranger in the house of avarice  (Avarice Quotes) Beware an act of avarice; it is bad and incurable disease  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice is as destitute of what it has, as what it has not  (Avarice Quotes) Ambition is but avarice on stilts, and masked  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice, sphincter of the heart  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice and happiness never saw each other  (Avarice Quotes) If you wish to remove avarice you must remove its mother, luxuries  (Avarice Quotes) The thrift that does not make a man charitable sours into avarice  (Avarice Quotes) Yet avarice is numbered among the sins, but stupidity omitted  (Avarice Quotes) We are a puny and fickle folk. Avarice, hesitation, and following are our diseases  (Avarice Quotes) Gambling is the son of avarice and the father of despair  (Avarice Quotes) When all other sins are old, avarice is still young  (Avarice Quotes) Avarice hoards itself poor; charity gives itself rich  (Avarice Quotes)
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