Avoid Quotes

Text Quotes
The ordinary people will consider it lack of simplicity to harmonize all the changes throughout ten thousand years. With a tired body and a frightened mind, they toil to avoid this and to take that. The sage alone has no prejudice. He therefore proceeds with utter simplicity and becomes one with transformation and always roams in the realm of unity (Avoid Quotes)
The more we run from conflict, the more it masters us; the more we try to avoid it, the more it controls us; the less we fear conflict, the less it confuses us; the less we deny our differences, the less they divide us (Avoid Quotes)
In its most fundamental sense, execution is a systematic way of exposing reality and acting on it. Most companies don’t face reality very well... Realism is the heart of execution, but many organizations are full of people who are trying to avoid or shade reality. Why? It makes life uncomfortable (Avoid Quotes)
That’s reality, it’s accessibility. People are used to seeing me like that for the last year, I think,... To avoid it is avoidance. We’re not going to avoid things (Avoid Quotes)
I do think it imperative that you recover from fear of rejection. Forgive me, but that is the sin of pride, and you must avoid that particular manifestation of the sin if you are to reach the goal... you hope for (Avoid Quotes)
The key to running a campaign on the cheap is to avoid spending money on anything other than projecting a message (Avoid Quotes)
Every flying machine has its own unique characteristics, some good, some not so good. Pilots naturally fly the craft in such a manner as to take advantage of its good characteristics and avoid the areas where it is not so good (Avoid Quotes)
You cannot allow any of your people to avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world, it’s going to be bad (Avoid Quotes)
Fate has a way of getting what she wants, no matter how we try to avoid it (Avoid Quotes)
I don’t want any colour to be noticeable... I don’t want it to operate in the modernist sense as colour, something independent... Full, saturated colours have an emotional significance I want to avoid (Avoid Quotes)
The organizers first job is to create the issues or problems, and organizations must be based on many issues. The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act... An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent (Avoid Quotes)
Radicals must be resilient, adaptable to shifting political circumstances, and sensitive enough to the process of action and reaction to avoid being trapped by their own tactics and forced to travel a road not of their choosing (Avoid Quotes)
What philosophy worthy of the name has truly been able to avoid the link between poem and theorem? (Avoid Quotes)
Every conscious act requires risk. Every conscious act requires decision. Put these two facts together and you realize that the secret to life is not to avoid gambling but to gamble well (Avoid Quotes)
I am deeply worried because we are seeing an unleashing of violence by 2,000 to 3,000 thugs who come to smash and loot. My objective is to avoid mistakes by the police, so that people can protest in safety (Avoid Quotes)
We are 25 years too late. If the object is to avoid dangerous change, we’ve already had it. The object now is to avoid really dangerous change (Avoid Quotes)
One should always avoid unnecessary unhappiness. Especially if one is an immortal. They taught us that in school (Avoid Quotes)
Someone once asked me why people sing. I answered that they sing for many of the same reasons the birds sing. They sing for a mate, to claim their territory, or simply to give voice to the delight of being alive in the midst of a beautiful day. Perhaps more than the birds do, humans hold a grudge. They sing to complain of how grievously they have been wronged, and how to avoid it in the future. They sing to help themselves execute a job of work. They sing so the subsequent generations won’t forget what the current generation endured, or dreamed, or delighted in (Avoid Quotes)
Avoid committees and consensus in developing big, distinctive business model advantages. Individuals have big, distinctive ideas; committees and consensus turn big, distinctive ideas into mundane ideas (Avoid Quotes)
One must not love oneself so much, as to avoid getting involved in the risks of life that history demands of us, and those that fend off danger will lose their lives (Avoid Quotes)
Knowledge is not the same as morality, but we need to understand if we are to avoid past mistakes and move in productive directions. An important part of that understanding is knowing who we are and what we can do... Ultimately, we must synthesize our understandings for ourselves (Avoid Quotes)
Buddhism advises you not to implant feelings that you don’t really have or avoid feelings that you do have. If you are miserable you are miserable; that is the reality, that is what is happening, so confront that. Look it square in the eye without flinching. When you are having a bad time, examine that experience, observe it mindfully, study the phenomenon and learn its mechanics. The way out of a trap is to study the trap itself, learn how it is built. You do this by taking the thing apart piece by piece. The trap can’t trap you if it has been taken to pieces. The result is freedom (Avoid Quotes)
Death can come at any moment. You could die this afternoon; you could die tomorrow morning; you could die on your way to work; you could die in your sleep. Most of us try to avoid the sense that death can come at any time, but its timing is unknown to us. Can we live each day as if it were our last? Can we relate to one another as if there were no tomorrow? (Avoid Quotes)
America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you’ve lost all control over what you do, what is produced, and how it is produced. And in the end, the product doesn’t belong to you. The only way you can avoid bosses and jobs is if you don’t care about making a living. Which leads to the second freedom: the freedom to starve (Avoid Quotes)
You can put down a bad book; you can avoid listening to bad music; but you cannot miss the ugly tower block opposite your house (Avoid Quotes)
Officeholders are the agents of the people, not their masters. Not only is their time and labor due to the government, but they should scrupulously avoid in their political action, as well as in the discharge of their official duty, offending by a display of obtrusive partisanship their neighbors who have relations with them as public officials (Avoid Quotes)
Can you avoid knowledge? You cannot! Can you avoid technology? You cannot! Things are going to go ahead in spite of ethics, in spite of your personal beliefs, in spite of everything (Avoid Quotes)
It is not fear that stops you from doing the brave and true thing in your daily life. Rather, the problem is avoidance. You want to feel comfortable so you avoid doing or saying the thing that will evoke fear and other difficult emotions. Avoidance will make you feel less vulnerable in the short run but, it will never make you less afraid (Avoid Quotes)
The dialectical or ecological approach asserts that creating the world is involved in our every act. It is impossible for us to operate in our daily lives and not create the world that everyone must live in. What we desire arranges the genetic code in all of our major crops and livestock. We cannot avoid participating in the creation, and it is in agriculture, far and away our largest and most basic artifact, that human culture and the creation totally interpenetrate (Avoid Quotes)
You call me a misanthrope because I avoid society. You err; I love society. Yet in order not to hate people, I must avoid their company (Avoid Quotes)