Avoiding Quotes

Text Quotes
I have several times made a poor choice by avoiding a necessary confrontation (Avoiding Quotes)
Variety is more than a means of avoiding boredom, since art is more than an entertainment of the senses (Avoiding Quotes)
When I first went to America in 1928, there were spittoons everywhere. I remember avoiding spit as it flew past me in Times Square. Very unattractive (Avoiding Quotes)
Have we become a cupcake league? We already have better helmets and gear. Wonder how the old school players feel about this. Not in the back of minds when talking about 18 game season so let’s play football please... Even guys using shoulders to hit are getting flagged for helmet-to-helmet. Defense is getting sloppy because guys are avoiding fines and will get worse if suspending comes into play (Avoiding Quotes)
An unhurried mind brings the capacity to make wise choices every day - choices of how we use our time, of where we place our resources and our love. I am not just talking about avoiding the rat race, but about a life full of an artistic beauty - a life that has almost vanished from modern civilization, but is quite within the reach of everyone (Avoiding Quotes)
The president is that invisible force that makes a school of fish suddenly change direction, so that everyone ‘ohhs’ and ‘ahhs’ at the glimmering mass and only later wonders what makes them move in that way. I read somewhere-_Harper’s_, I’m fairly certain-that the fish are only avoiding pockets of extra cold water (Avoiding Quotes)
Avoiding where others go wrong is an important step in achieving investment success. In fact, it almost assures it (Avoiding Quotes)
States are looking for low-cost solutions that will enable better communication, while avoiding the danger in which the chain of command breaks down in emergencies. We do not want everyone talking to everyone else all the time. (Avoiding Quotes)
I’ve always found that avoiding insanity is useful in life - which in American politics sometimes puts one in the minority. (Avoiding Quotes)
The animal liberation movement is saying that where animals and humans have similar interests - we might take the interest in avoiding physical pain as an example, for it is an interest that humans clearly share with other animals - those interests are to be counted equally, with no automatic discount just because one of the beings is not human. (Avoiding Quotes)
The art of natural education consists in ignoring the faults of children nine times out of ten, in avoiding immediate interference, which is usually a mistake, and devoting one’s whole vigilance to the control of the environment in which the child is growing up, to watching the education which is allowed to go on by itself. (Avoiding Quotes)
Doing mistakes is as much a part of life as avoiding them. You may not get a second chance to do the same mistake, so, go on, give it a shot. (Avoiding Quotes)
Postural exercises such as yoga, Pilates, Egoscues, Alexander technique and martial arts are about avoiding pain and injury as much as helping you feel good. Attractive men and women have good posture. (Avoiding Quotes)
Avoiding combat duty was and is an unforgivable sin for a professional soldier (Avoiding Quotes)
The gospel of Jesus Christ encompasses much more than avoiding, overcoming, and being cleansed from sin and the bad influences in our lives; it also essentially entails doing good, being good, and becoming better. Repenting of our sins and seeking forgiveness are spiritually necessary, and we must always do so. (Avoiding Quotes)
Whether by a Mack truck or by heart failure or faulty lungs, death happens. But life isn’t really just about avoiding death, is it? It’s about living. (Avoiding Quotes)
For an infrequent action to become a habit, the user must perceive a high degree of utility, either from gaining pleasure or avoiding pain. (Avoiding Quotes)
When you are avoiding your pain you are really only avoiding your growth (Avoiding Quotes)
It’s not life in the present moment that is intolerable; the pain we are avoiding has already happened. We are living in reverse. (Avoiding Quotes)
The greatest satisfaction comes not from chasing pleasure and avoiding pain, but from the radical acceptance of life as it is, without fighting and clinging to passing desires. (Avoiding Quotes)
Epicurus recommends bread and cheese as the staple, and his emphasis is more on avoiding pain than on seeking pleasure, insofar as pleasure-seeking tends to be followed by painful after-effects. (Avoiding Quotes)
Just ¦ isn’t giving up allowed sometimes? Isn’t it okay to say, ˜This really hurts, so I’m going to stop trying’? It sets a dangerous precedent. For avoiding pain? For avoiding life. (Avoiding Quotes)
Drama lives on conflict. If you’re trying to deal with social issues seriously, there’s no way of avoiding violence, which is so present in society. (Avoiding Quotes)
Outstanding long-term results are produced primarily by avoiding dumb decisions, rather than by making brilliant ones. (Avoiding Quotes)
Avoiding a bathtub because your parents tried to kill you in one isn’t the same as avoiding your entire life by becoming a wolf. (Avoiding Quotes)
Whenever I’m with my mother, I feel as though I have to spend the whole time avoiding land mines. (Avoiding Quotes)
Allow yourself to think that the possibility of failure is a necessary part of parenting well.Avoiding the possibility of failure means avoiding the possibility of being an extraordinary parent-and avoiding what you want for your child. (Avoiding Quotes)
If you’re living life from a place of fear, you’re not free to take risks or pursue your dreams. If your energy is expended in avoiding failure or rejection, then that energy is used to stay safe, instead of being available to create the life you envision. (Avoiding Quotes)
There are some screw-ups headed your way. I wish I could tell you that there was a trick to avoiding the screw-ups... but they’re coming for ya. It’s a combination of life being unpredictable, and you being super dumb. (Avoiding Quotes)
Smart people don’t learn... because they have too much invested in proving what they know and avoiding being seen as not knowing. (Avoiding Quotes)