Award Quotes

Text Quotes
Please, no matter how we advance technologically , please don’t abandon the book. There is nothing in our material world more beautiful than the book. (Acceptance speech, National Book Award 2010 (Nonfiction), November 17, 2010) (Award Quotes)
Opponents of legal birth control, including abortion, have tried for decades to play the race card, saying that legal abortion is racist. What they ignore is that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. accepted the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood in 1966 (Award Quotes)
I was surprised I was nominated for an Oscar because ‘Cocoon’ was such an ensemble picture. But now I’m certain it wasn’t only for ‘Cocoon.’ It was a lifetime award, so I accepted it in that vein, and it probably meant more from a recognition standpoint (Award Quotes)
An achievement award is not the end goal; but rather a symbolic confirmation of your potential future success (Award Quotes)
It is always nice when you are honoured. The Lifetime award makes me feel old. I am only 55. (Award Quotes)
I never set out now to get a Grammy, or get an American Music Award, but it still is nice to be recognized. (Award Quotes)
I love New York City in the fall, and one of my favorite events of the season is the annual World of Children Award Gala, at which I have the profound pleasure of meeting the newest class of changemakers for children who are there to receive their World of Children Award. (Award Quotes)
The beauty of the innovation that flows from the open web is that no one has to ask for permission, get a credential, or win a Disrupt or Launch award to go prove their idea is worthy. They just... put up a page on the web, iterate, iterate, iterate... and eventually, a Facebook emerges. (Award Quotes)
Anytime you get an award as a coach, you’ve got to be the ultimate fool to think it wasn’t your assistant coaches and all the players responsible for the award. (Award Quotes)
Weedflower’ was already in the copyediting phase when I heard about the Newbery award, so it didn’t really influence my writing of that book, but since then, I have become more aware of having an audience. (Award Quotes)
I like to dress up and look nice. I’m not quite at the stage yet financially to do that too often, but it’s nice to push the boat out a little bit for award ceremonies and stuff. (Award Quotes)
I don’t do social events, I don’t do award ceremonies, I don’t do charity dinners. I live my life off-radar. (Award Quotes)
This is a big surprise I don’t agree with the concept of award ceremonies, but I’m prepared to make an exception for the ones I’m nominated for. The last time there was a naked man covered in gold paint in my house, it was me. (Award Quotes)
Apart from the National Film Awards, I don’t see any other award ceremony that I should give value to. My personal experience about these award ceremonies is that I don’t trust them. I have no faith in them so I would prefer to stay away. (Award Quotes)
When I think about my MVP season, I will also think about the loss to Golden State. But winning the award as Most Valuable Player of the NBA is just a huge honor. I didn’t really realize how big it was until Mark Cuban had tears in his eyes at the award ceremony. (Award Quotes)
I had a novel in the back of my mind when I won an Ian St James story competition in 1993. At the award ceremony an agent asked me if I was writing a novel. I showed her four or five chapters of what would become ‘Behind the Scenes at the Museum’ and to my surprise she auctioned them off. (Award Quotes)
I go for a couple of parties; you won’t find me at every film party and never at award ceremonies. I tried attending for the first three to four years, and I’ve performed at award shows. I sat in them, and I’ve also exited pretty fast from them. It’s just not my place. I’d rather get their adulation in a cinema hall. (Award Quotes)
When you get performance slots for award shows - that’s a big deal for me (Award Quotes)
Wearing a tuxedo isn’t as simple as it sounds. I’ve been to a lot of award shows in Hollywood over the years and have seen some pretty sad tuxes. It’s surprisingly easy to go off the rails. (Award Quotes)
I tend to avoid things like award shows and panels and interviews, not remotely because I feel I’m above them or wish to cultivate the image of the intriguing recluse. I’m just not very good at them. (Award Quotes)
I think what’s going to happen with linear television is it’s going to become more linear. It’s going to become more about events and more about award shows, live sports - all those things that, really, you can’t replicate. (Award Quotes)
You know those award shows. The cliche is that it’s an honor just to be nominated, but that happens to be true. Whoever wins it in the end, I don’t know, sometimes it feels arbitrary. Sometimes it feels like it’s deserving. (Award Quotes)
When I was a kid, award shows were super-interesting for me. But when I started making music, it was kind of hard to watch because I believed in what I was doing and yet knew I didn’t really have a shot. (Award Quotes)
‘The Dance Scene’ is just a real look at what it takes. You see the award shows. You see the videos and you never realize what goes on behind the scenes. The reality and the preparation. The motivation I have to give each dancer on that set. (Award Quotes)
At first, when you go to premieres and award shows, you’re thinking, ‘How the hell am I here? All these people I’ve never met are here, and it’s so cool!’ And then, as time goes on, it’s a little bit like, ‘Ah... it’s more like work.’ (Award Quotes)
I used to really want to go on the stage and then the last couple of years I’ve done some presenting at some award shows. I was so nervous I thought I was going to be sick, so I don’t think me on stage for any length of time would work too well. (Award Quotes)
I get nervous before everything - dates, filming, award shows. I just don’t want to say something stupid. But as soon as I step out on that stage, or as soon as I show up to a date, it all goes away, and I just have a great time with whoever I’m with. (Award Quotes)
Award shows are fun, but completely arbitrary and absurd. And yet, I will watch every single one of them. (Award Quotes)
[Preparing for award shows] gets insane. The dress, the hair, the makeup...I end up always picking the dress at the last second. (Award Quotes)
If white privilege is a thing, why are people working so hard to be black? All of the award shows and cultural events favor black culture. (Award Quotes)