Aware Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s not enough to be talented. It’s not enough to work hard and to study late into the night. You must also become intimately aware of the methods you use to reach your decisions (Aware Quotes)
All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field (Aware Quotes)
Our destiny rules over us, even when we are not yet aware of it; it is the future that makes laws for our today (Aware Quotes)
Having once embarked on your marital voyage, it is impossible not to be aware that you make no way and the sea is not within sight; that in fact, you are exploring an enclosed basin (Aware Quotes)
People may live as much retired from the world as they please; but sooner or later, before they are aware, they will find themselves debtor or creditor to somebody (Aware Quotes)
It seems that nature, which has so wisely disposed our bodily organs with a view to our happiness, has also bestowed on us pride, to spare us the pain of being aware of our imperfections (Aware Quotes)
On the one hand, philosophy is to keep us thinking about things that we may come to know, and on the other hand to keep us modestly aware of how much that seems like knowledge isn’t knowledge (Aware Quotes)
Growing up in the place I did I never was aware of any other option but to question everything (Aware Quotes)
There is no formula that I’m aware of for being a successful or fulfilled woman today (Aware Quotes)
I don’t go to movies, I don’t own a television, I don’t buy magazines and I try not to receive mail, so I’m not really aware of popular culture (Aware Quotes)
People lucky enough to live in the vicinity of an industrial hog farm are, with each breath, made keenly aware of the cause of their declining property values (Aware Quotes)
Breathing in, I am aware of my heart. Breathing out, I smile to my heart and know that my heart still functions normally. I feel grateful for my heart (Aware Quotes)
I think I look better in darker clothes. And maybe the fact that I wear black so much makes me more aware of putting people at ease (Aware Quotes)
When one of my characters becomes aware of a magical element, it might be because the world is wider than we assume it to be, but it might also be a reminder to pay attention to what is here already, hidden only because it’s been forgotten (Aware Quotes)
I have to say, without sounding like a total tosser, that everything I’ve learned in life, and that has taken me out of my natural interior life, has been with men. They exposed me to things that I wasn’t aware of. I learned from all the guys (Aware Quotes)
If you and I become vegans, the global consequences aren’t going to be that much. But if we can get a few hundred million people to become a little more aware and cut back on their animal consumption, the consequences will be great (Aware Quotes)
I’ve been lucky to learn by playing all kinds of roles and watching all kinds of really good cinematographers, actors, and directors for many years before people were even aware of me in terms of audience (Aware Quotes)
In solitude we become aware that we were together before we came together and that life is not a creation of our will but rather an obedient response to the reality of our being united (Aware Quotes)
I’m so aware of the fact that if I hadn’t taken the chances that I’ve taken along the line, I probably wouldn’t be getting the best out of my voice anymore, I might have messed it up in that awful, predictable place (Aware Quotes)
People are becoming more and more aware of how the dominance of development and business is altering their lives and, in particular, their own heritage (Aware Quotes)
When you read a short story, you come out a little more aware and a little more in love with the world around you. What I want is to have the reader come out just 6 percent more awake to the world (Aware Quotes)
I felt alien my whole life, but I didn’t feel alien because of my gender. Other people made me aware of my gender (Aware Quotes)
My confidence is easy to shake. I am very well aware of all of my flaws. I am aware of all the insecurities that I have (Aware Quotes)
I’m very aware and very conscious of the path I chose in life, and very aware of the path I didn’t choose (Aware Quotes)
I talked to the players and tried to make them aware of what was good and bad, but I didn’t try to run their lives (Aware Quotes)
I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my infidelity has caused to so many people, most of all my wife and children (Aware Quotes)
The truly humble feel the ground beneath their feet every day and do not only become aware of it when held aloft or pushed down to their knees (Aware Quotes)
We sit and talk quietly, with long lapses of silence, and I am aware of the stream that has no language, coursing beneath the quiet heaven of your eyes, which has no speech (Aware Quotes)
Even while writing his book, he had become painfully aware how little he knew his own planet while attempting to piece together another one from jagged bits filched from deranged brains (Aware Quotes)
You have heretofore found out, by my teachings, that man is a fool; you are now aware that woman is a damned fool (Aware Quotes)