Awareness Quotes

Text Quotes
I waited for dawn, but only because I had forgotten how hard mornings were. For a second I’d be normal. Then came the dim awareness of something off, out of place. Then the truth came crashing down and that was it for the rest of the day. Sunlight was reproof. Shouldn’t I feel better than I had in the dead of night (Awareness Quotes)
To love someone is to acknowledge the goodness of who they are. Through loving a person we awaken their awareness of their own innate goodness. It is as though they cannot know how worthy they are until they look into the mirror of our love and see themselves (Awareness Quotes)
A feeling is no longer the same when it comes the second time. It dies through the awareness of its return. We become tired and weary of our feelings when they come too often and last too long (Awareness Quotes)
How much modern civilization has lost, I think, when they lost the awareness of the billions of stars overhead (Awareness Quotes)
By observing natural scientific discoveries through a perception deepened by meditation, we can develop a new awareness of reality. This awareness could become the bedrock of a spirituality that is not based on the dogmas of a given religion, but on insights into a higher and deeper meaning. I am referring to the ability to recognize, to read, and to understand the firsthand revelations (Awareness Quotes)
Awareness requires living in the here and now, and not in the elsewhere, the past or the future (Awareness Quotes)
We all operate on different levels of awareness. Half the time I don’t know what I’m doing (Awareness Quotes)
Let the inner God that is in each one of us speak. The temple is your body, and the priest is your heart: it is from here that every awareness must begin (Awareness Quotes)
Each time you meet an old emotional pattern with presence, your awakening to truth can deepen. There’s less identification with the self in the story and more ability to rest in the awareness that is witnessing what’s happening. You become more able to abide in compassion, to remember and trust your true home. Rather than cycling repetitively through old conditioning, you are actually spiraling toward freedom (Awareness Quotes)
When a daughter loses a mother, the intervals between grief responses lengthen over time, but her longing never disappears. It always hovers at the edge of her awareness, prepared to surface at any time, in any place, in the least expected ways (Awareness Quotes)
Man is literally split in two: he has an awareness of his own splendid uniqueness in that he sticks out of nature with a towering majesty, and yet he goes back into the ground a few feet in order blindly and dumbly to rot and disappear forever (Awareness Quotes)
There was simply from this quite early age the awareness that the only thing I wanted was to dance (Awareness Quotes)
People often of masterful intelligence, trained usually in law or economics or perhaps in political science, who have led their governments into disastrous decisions and miscalculations because they have no awareness whatever of the historical background, the cultural universe, of the foreign societies with which they have to deal (Awareness Quotes)
Love has no awareness of merit or demerit; it has no scale... Love loves; this is its nature (Awareness Quotes)
And if travel is like love, it is, in the end, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end (Awareness Quotes)
From a yogic perspective, stillness, coupled with expanded awareness, is by far the most powerful medium by which you can affect your destiny (Awareness Quotes)
I am an advocate for awareness, the truth, and a person’s right to know. I believe that in the absence of the truth, all of us stand helpless to defend ourselves, our families and our health, which is the greatest gift we have (Awareness Quotes)
My most fundamental hope is for a worldwide attitude of tolerance, which will only come through education and an awareness of other cultures and religions. The more people are exposed to other philosophies and thoughts, the more possible it becomes to resolve world conflicts peacefully. Education builds tolerance for other points of view (Awareness Quotes)
When one past thought has ceased and a future thought has not yet risen, in that gap, in between, isn’t there a consciousness of the present moment;fresh, virgin, unaltered by even a hair’s breadth of a concept, a luminous, naked awareness? Well, that’s what naturally peaceful awareness is (Awareness Quotes)
True mindfulness is the awareness that everything you encounter is a vigorous expression of the same living universe as you (Awareness Quotes)
If the building of a bridge does not enrich the awareness of those who work on it, then the bridge ought not to be built (Awareness Quotes)
There is no neutrality. There is only greater or lesser awareness of one’s bias (Awareness Quotes)
As an architect you design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown (Awareness Quotes)
The body moves naturally, automatically, without any personal intervention or awareness. If we think too much, our actions become slow and hesitant (Awareness Quotes)
In meditation take care not to impose anything on the mind, or to tax it. When you meditate there should be no effort to control, and no attempt to be peaceful. Don’t be overly solemn or feel that you are taking part in some special ritual; let go even of the idea that you are meditating. Let your body remain as it is, your breath as you find it, and remain in your natural condition of unchanging pure awareness (Awareness Quotes)
In order to understand people, we have to understand their way of life and approach. If we wish to convince them, we have to use their language in the narrow sense of the mind. Something that goes even much further than that is not the appeal to logic and reason, but some kind of emotional awareness of the other people (Awareness Quotes)
To achieve purity of mind, one should cultivate constant awareness by being mindful all the time. One should remain always aware of one’s thoughts (Awareness Quotes)
You think, you become that thought. And consciousness, or the state of pure awareness, is lost (Awareness Quotes)
When the robot mind is mastered, undisciplined thinking ceases and is replaced by awareness. Awareness can know love (Awareness Quotes)
If vitality gives a man’s perspectives color, if community bonds give them breadth, if awareness of the land makes them realistic, a deep sense of loyalty gives them personal meaning and integrity (Awareness Quotes)