Awareness Quotes

Text Quotes
I think that going on any reality show is not good for your mental health because you behave differently when you are being watched, and you constantly have an extra bit of awareness of what’s going on all the time (Awareness Quotes)
In college, I was always disappointed by lectures that covered social problems but failed to identify what I could do to change them. Part of the problem was that many professors simply didn’t believe they had a role in converting awareness to action (Awareness Quotes)
We see and understand more about our behaviors. We come aware. And aware. And aware... Often, we feel uncertain about what to do with all this awareness (Awareness Quotes)
Character consists of the moral awareness and strength to know the good, love the good and do the good (Awareness Quotes)
Angels can help us understand what intuition means in a personal way. Angels are actually in charge of a large part of our intuitive self. Viewing intuition from the perspective of angel consciousness, we can say that intuition is our way of tapping into a higher power for guidance and awareness (Awareness Quotes)
Not thinking about anything is zen. Once you know this, walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha... Using the mind to reality is delusion. Not using the mind to look for reality is awareness. Freeing oneself from words is liberation (Awareness Quotes)
Mindfulness is being aware of yourself, others, and your surroundings in the moment. When consciously and kindly focusing awareness on life as it unfolds minute by precious minute, you are better able to savor each experience. Also, being closely attentive gives you the opportunity to change unwise or painful feelings and responses quickly. In fact, being truly present in a mindful way is an excellent stress reducer and, because of that, can be seen as consciousness conditioning, a strengthening workout for body, mind, heart, and spirit (Awareness Quotes)
A buddha is someone who finds freedom in good fortune and bad. Such is his power that karma can’t hold him. No matter what kind of karma, a buddha transforms it. Heaven and hell are nothing to him. But the awareness of a mortal is dim compared to that of a buddha, who penetrates everything, inside and out (Awareness Quotes)
If you see your nature, you don’t need to read sutras or invoke buddhas. Erudition and knowledge are not only useless but also cloud your awareness. Doctrines are only for pointing to the mind. Once you see your mind, why pay attention to doctrines? (Awareness Quotes)
I have consciously sought after those things which make for value, order, richness, spirit and wonder, even though I am often unable to verbalize what I feel when I perceive something beautiful. Sometimes it’s a pang or a sensation; at other times it is an awareness of joy and security or pure pleasure. In any event, it is a moment to be celebrated. Beauty justifies itself. The fact that it is beyond definition means nothing (Awareness Quotes)
Modern man is drinking and drugging himself out of awareness, or he spends his time shopping, which is the same thing (Awareness Quotes)
The second stage of meditation begins when you can successfully stop thought for long periods of time. At this point you move beyond the awareness of this world (Awareness Quotes)
Mindfulness is paying attention to what is going on. Just look at beauty. Not just the beauty of things you see with your eyes, but beautiful feelings, beautiful awareness. There is no such thing as reality. Reality is what you make it (Awareness Quotes)
Reincarnation is simply changing awareness. What you are reincarnating into are different states of mind. The whole show is on the inside (Awareness Quotes)
The karma of immediate availability is the condition of your awareness field. The karma of potentiality is what is stored inside you from your past lives (Awareness Quotes)
So, those who hate, those who are violent in nature, live in a world of hate and fear and violence inside themselves, inside their minds, inside their awareness (Awareness Quotes)
Those who love and who have a sense of purity live in a very luminous band of awareness (Awareness Quotes)
Your karma is the sum total of your awareness field. Your awareness field is comprised of all the experiences that you’ve had in this life and all other lives (Awareness Quotes)
You are new at every moment. You are an extension of the previous moment of your awareness. You can radically change, if you unhook yourself from what you have been (Awareness Quotes)
Karma means who you are and where your awareness field is on the band of perception (Awareness Quotes)
I would suggest your awareness is your karma. How you feel generates your level of attention (Awareness Quotes)
When you cause something to happen it causes a shift in your awareness. Shifts in your awareness ultimately will result in a pattern shift in your life (Awareness Quotes)
When you see that you are not the body, that the body comprises only a small fraction of the aggregate of your awareness, then death is no fear, life is no fear, there is no fear (Awareness Quotes)
Only one who has achieved immortality of awareness can laugh with life and laugh with death (Awareness Quotes)
At the end of this lifetime, you will leave this world. Your awareness field will stay together in a certain sense and then it will seek to return to things that are familiar. You will reincarnate (Awareness Quotes)
Grief can have a quality of profound healing because we are forced to a depth of feeling that is usually below the threshold of awareness (Awareness Quotes)
The meditator develops new depths of insight through direct communication with the reality of the phenomenal world... He or she is able to see not only the absence of complexity, the absence of duality, but the stoneness of stone and the waterness of water. One sees things precisely as they are, not merely in the physical sense, but with awareness of their spiritual significance (Awareness Quotes)
Even the best computer in the world has no idea that it exists. You do. No one knows what creates that ineffable awareness that we’re here (Awareness Quotes)
When the artist activates his being, awakens to his surroundings, and sets himself the task of creating, connections are made out of conscious awareness that return coalesced as inspiration (Awareness Quotes)
It is possible that, through horizontal and vertical lines constructed with awareness, but not with calculation, led by high intuition, and brought to harmony and rhythm, these basic forms of beauty, supplemented if necessary by other direct lines or curves, can become a work of art, as strong as it is true (Awareness Quotes)