Awareness Quotes

Text Quotes
In the enlightenment cycle, attention is paid to bringing back the awareness field from other lives. This does not simply mean memory, but rather the internal power and intelligence that you have amassed in other lifetimes (Awareness Quotes)
Meditation will bring back the powers and awareness from the past; more importantly, it will expand your consciousness today (Awareness Quotes)
The majority of the ten thousand states of mind cannot be discussed. It is rather a question of teaching a person to step outside the conceptual framework they have and transmitting blocks of awareness to an individual psychically (Awareness Quotes)
When we lack etiquette, we trash things. We trash each other. We trash the environment. We lose sight of the value of things. We suffer alienation when our spirit is disconnected from our physical awareness (Awareness Quotes)
There is no such thing as spiritual achievement; it is simply an awareness intrinsic to all of life (Awareness Quotes)
You can live in the world and have all the myriad experiences that life has to offer and yoke your awareness field to the planes of light, and eventually to nirvana itself (Awareness Quotes)
There is no time. There is no space. There is no condition. There is only awareness, awareness of these ideas (Awareness Quotes)
Most people want to make maximum money for minimum work, and that does not result in a happy life. Work does not become an active force to advance your awareness into higher states (Awareness Quotes)
It is very important that your career raises your awareness. If your career is lowering your personal power, then it has got to change (Awareness Quotes)
The school of awareness is the school of mysticism. Mysticism is the experience of eternity, of that which lies beyond the physical phenomenal experience (Awareness Quotes)
Timeless awareness occurs to very few in this world, to step beyond the circle of fear. The body has created a magnificent arena of fear. We have developed ways of seeing life that exclude us from seeing life (Awareness Quotes)
There is no future and there is no past, there never has been, there never will be. You just think there is. It’s not life that moves; it’s awareness (Awareness Quotes)
The way we measure awareness is by how long you can stop thought. If you can’t stop thought at all, then you are not powerful. You might be quite evolved, but you have no access to that evolution (Awareness Quotes)
Some people are like psychic sponges, they drain power form others constantly. They lower your awareness because they are at a lower level. If you spend too much time with them, you get pulled down (Awareness Quotes)
If, at the office or in different exchanges in daily living, you have to spend time with people who are at lower power levels, then you have to be aware of that and keep your awareness very much within (Awareness Quotes)
I can’t do anything with what’s happened in the past. I have to just go forward with the most awareness I can going forward and trying to be the best I can be for our team (Awareness Quotes)
Human history can be viewed as a slowly dawning awareness that we are members of a larger group (Awareness Quotes)
I break up through the skin of awareness a thousand times a day, as dolphins burst through seas, and dive again, and rise, and dive (Awareness Quotes)
The secret of being more vitally alive is to be more aware. Starting today, from this moment, become aware of awareness! (Awareness Quotes)
It’s important that we regularly reconsider, revise, and expand our practices, as our capabilities and needs evolve, both to strengthen our understanding of them and to promote our awareness of new practices and their conscientious uses (Awareness Quotes)
Generosity helps us cultivate awareness of things that really matter. Opportunities that make a real difference in the world (Awareness Quotes)
We can’t control what thoughts and emotions arise within us, nor can we control the universal truth that everything changes. But we can learn to step back and rest in the awareness of what’s happening. That awareness can be our refuge (Awareness Quotes)
The relentless touring and endless repetition of the same songs over and over again promoted a creeping awareness that my music had begun to sound like my washing machine (Awareness Quotes)
Imagination has to do with one’s awareness of the reality of other people as well as of one’s own reality. Imagination is a bridge between the provincialism of the self and the great world (Awareness Quotes)
History, like nature, has its own economy, its own balancing of forces in the final accounting. Nothing can be lost, except to awareness (Awareness Quotes)
Increasingly, campaigns have become narcotics that blur our awareness of problems long enough to elect the lawmakers who must deal with them (Awareness Quotes)
Your reason is your friend. It defends the island of your awareness. But you don’t want your reason to rule everything (Awareness Quotes)
Nirvana isn’t a physical place. It is not like going to heaven. It just means no more individualized awareness, no aggregate body of experience (Awareness Quotes)
When you draw from the endless awareness of nirvana, you are no longer a slave to fortune. When pleasant experiences come your way, you can enjoy them. But if pain and misfortune befall you, you can rise above them and remain unaffected (Awareness Quotes)
The body moves naturally, automatically, unconsciously, without any personal intervention or awareness. But if we begin to use our faculty of reasoning, our actions become slow and hesitant (Awareness Quotes)