Awareness Quotes

Text Quotes
Owning your own feelings, rather than blaming them on someone else, is the mark of a person who has moved from contracted to expanded awareness (Awareness Quotes)
People have a need to feel their pain. Very often pain is the beginning of a great deal of awareness. As an energy center it awakens consciousness (Awareness Quotes)
There are certain jobs I don’t take because I feel no connection to the person. But if somebody is open with me, and honest about their motivations, and has some level of self- awareness, then I’m going to understand them (Awareness Quotes)
We live in a world with serious class complexes. It is one thing to be a college student with loan debts and another thing to be just dirt poor for your entire life. The challenge is to come up with more complex understandings of where we are, more global awareness of what connects Americans with what is happening with suffering and oppressed people all around the world (Awareness Quotes)
To be reverent is not just to be quiet. It involves an awareness of what is taking place. It involves a divine desire to learn and to be receptive to the promptings of the Spirit. It involves a striving to seek added light and knowledge (Awareness Quotes)
Together we can decrease the level of violence, raise awareness of our activities and save lives around the world. The impact of a day of global ceasefire and non-violence cannot be underestimated (Awareness Quotes)
I think the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s are the hardest. Particularly because the person knows that they are losing awareness. They’re aware that they’re losing awareness, and you see them struggling (Awareness Quotes)
There are a lot of obstacles in the way of our understanding animal intelligence - not the least being that we can’t even agree whether nonhuman species are conscious. We accept that chimps and dolphins experience awareness; we like to think dogs and cats do. But what about mice and newts? What about a fly? Is anything going on there at all? (Awareness Quotes)
I have two passions in my life. One is to raise the awareness of the internment of Japanese-American citizens. My other passion is the theater (Awareness Quotes)
Chanting a mantra at the beginning of your meditation helps you clear the mind and takes you deep within the self. Chanting a mantra at the end of meditation helps you seal the meditation. It helps you bring the awareness of the meditation down into your daily life (Awareness Quotes)
The Warrior lives a life full of adventure, living on the edge of opportunity. Life on the edge keeps him in a space of heightened awareness and totally in the moment; therefore no matter what comes his way he is always prepared (Awareness Quotes)
Great potential for personal empowerment can be found in attending to our awareness of global problems and to our understanding of how they connect with each other and with our personal lives. The process of naming the danger, saying aloud that the threats to life on earth are real, moves us from the numbness of denial to the aliveness that makes action possible (Awareness Quotes)
Movies don’t look hard, but figuring it out, getting the shape of it, getting everybody’s character right and having it be funny, make sense and be romantic, it’s creating a puzzle. Yes, having been a writer for so long, I have an awareness of when things are going awry, but it doesn’t mean I know how to fix them (Awareness Quotes)
Autism currently affects one in 88 children in the U.S., and its prevalence continues to rise. That’s why it’s important to help organizations like Autism Speaks raise awareness and funds to support families and individuals impacted by it (Awareness Quotes)
The best science frequently combines an awareness of broad and significant problems with focus on an apparently small issue or detail that someone very much wants to solve or understand. Sometimes these little problems or inconsistencies turn out to be the clues to big advances (Awareness Quotes)
The trick, though, is to not lose compassion, to not allow the sense of absurdity to outweigh the awareness of real beings, with real feelings. Mean-spirited humor turns the world into cardboard, the way Midas’s simple-minded greed turned food into inedible and useless stuff (Awareness Quotes)
Descartes says: I think, and I am every moment I am thinking, because I have this inner awareness of myself. And I always thought there was something fishy about that. I don’t think there’s any privileged self-knowledge. Most of our attention is to things outside us (Awareness Quotes)
What we’re calling ‘presencing’ is possible because of this womb, where the absolute and the manifest interact. I think a buddhist would say that presencing can arise to the extent that we develop the capacity, individually and collectively, to extend our conscious awareness in both domains (Awareness Quotes)
As you rest into stillness more profoundly, awareness becomes free of the mind’s compulsive control, contractions, and identifications. Awareness naturally returns to its non-state of absolute unmanifest potential, the silent abyss beyond all knowing (Awareness Quotes)
The Angelina Effect refers to the fact that a powerful, beautiful, well-respected and world-renowned woman unabashedly revealed private medical details about a gene mutation which affects 1 in 500 people. In so doing, she raised awareness and sparked conversations around the world amongst known BRCA carriers, possible carriers, and the circle of family and friends who care about them (Awareness Quotes)
My mother died of ovarian cancer; I support organizations that raise awareness of this silent killer. Women’s shelters - Jenesse Center in L.A. and the Primo Center in Chicago. Kovler Diabetes Center in Chicago (Awareness Quotes)
Low self-confidence is simply a problem of Awareness. Once you are aware of the Truth about yourself, you will be able to understand why you are the way you are and, most importantly, learn to love and accept yourself (Awareness Quotes)
Yahoo! is dedicated to promoting community awareness through outreach, education and information access (Awareness Quotes)
We raise awareness and drop information about access and laws into pop culture spaces through making videos and through live events. That’s like fifty percent of what we do (Awareness Quotes)
There’s so much information on the internet. But people don’t need more information, they need ‘aha moments,’ they need awareness, they need things that actually shift and change them. (Awareness Quotes)
The real alchemy is transforming the base self into gold or into spiritual awareness. That’s really what new alchemy’s all about. (Awareness Quotes)
When you rest in presence and pure awareness, sometimes everything is experienced as love because you’re connected with all that is, and love is simply the nature of being. (Awareness Quotes)
The bottom line is that this author, a practicing neurologist dealing with Alzheimer’s disease on a daily basis, believes we need to expand the public awareness that modifiable lifestyle factors have a profound role to play in determining who will or won’t get this disease. (Awareness Quotes)
The type of Alzheimer’s Dad has is rare - posterior cortical atrophy or PCA - and it affects his spatial awareness and the way he judges distance. His first symptoms were erratic typing and spelling, but to talk to him, you’d never know there was a problem. (Awareness Quotes)
My father started growing very quiet as Alzheimer’s started claiming more of him. The early stages of Alzheimer’s are the hardest because that person is aware that they’re losing awareness. And I think that that’s why my father started growing more and more quiet. I think he felt, ‘I don’t want to say something wrong.’ That’s my sense of it. (Awareness Quotes)