Awkward Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m pretty good with talking to girls if I have an introduction, but I’m the worst at trying to go pick up a girl. I’m really bad at breaking the ice. It’s awkward! (Awkward Quotes)
Nashville is a boys’ club of redneck conservative ideas. But they’re ready to embrace gay people. I never felt for one second that someone was judging me. Some people are like, ‘Oh, I love gay people’ in that ‘I have lots of black friends’ kind of way. It’s awkward, but you have to appreciate that they’re trying. (Awkward Quotes)
I won’t look online. The whole fan thing makes me self-conscious, which is not to say I don’t appreciate it or understand it. If Mickey Mantle were around, I’m sure I’d have a ton of questions to ask him that might make him uncomfortable. I get it. That doesn’t mean it’s not really awkward. (Awkward Quotes)
With ‘That Awkward Moment’, you could argue I’m just playing the girlfriend of Zac Efron, but the director was such a creative force and let me make her my own. I loved being part of something that felt so relevant and fresh. (Awkward Quotes)
I think everyone has their awkward phases. Growing up isn’t easy for everyone. I definitely had my awkward moments. (Awkward Quotes)
It was an awkward moment. We were burning down our host’s house, a situation which any guest seeks to avoid. (Awkward Quotes)
That awkward moment when you realize someone was actually home the whole time you were singing on the tops of your lungs. (Awkward Quotes)
Dating is just awkward moments and one person wants more than the other. It’s just that constant strangeness. I think it’s a very real thing. (Awkward Quotes)
I like awkward moments. They are full of tension and suspense. Anything’s possible or, at the very least, they are the source of some electric sizzle. (Awkward Quotes)
After a few awkward moments, Lizzy joined them and they skipped along the avenue, the three of them, laughing and whooping and altogether making an undignified spectacle of themselves. (Awkward Quotes)
I won’t discuss non-discussable things with her, like the sound of silence or the vertical dimensions of an awkward moment. Those sorts of things are best left unsaid, like the last time I told her I loved her. (Awkward Quotes)
Authorities in New York City have foiled a plot by terrorists to blow up the Holland Tunnel. There was one awkward moment when officials informed President Bush the Holland Tunnel was safe. Bush then thanked the Dutch authorities for all their help. (Awkward Quotes)
I think any man who says he has never had an awkward moment with a girl, is a liar or he’s delusional because he’s sitting there thinking he is doing really well and the girl is thinking Who is this man and why is he talking to me? (Awkward Quotes)
I really committed to growing my hair out about a year and a half ago. There’s always this awkward moment when you’re growing your hair out and it just doesn’t look all that great. But if you just power through it then you’ll get a pretty good end result. (Awkward Quotes)
I think David Letterman is a genius. Night after night he is funny and smart. He seems to really enjoy his jokes. They seem connected to who he really is. I like watching him, and there is no one better at turning an awkward moment into something very funny. (Awkward Quotes)
Our footsteps run, and I don’t want them to end. I want to run and laugh and feel like this forever. I want to avoid any awkward moment when the realness of reality sticks its fork into our flesh, leaving us standing there, together. I want to stay here, in this moment, and never go to other places, where we don’t know what to say or what to do. (Awkward Quotes)
I try to push and find something awkward. The gems to me are truly awkward situations, and you have to have somebody who’s willing to fail because those can’t be conceived. They never play if they’re thought about and discussed too much. You have to create them right at the moment and look for something honest. (Awkward Quotes)
We look at each other for a moment and for once I feel awkward. It’s not that I’m not into humility; I’ve just never had to practise it. (Awkward Quotes)
It’s interesting to have the awkward moments play out, and the real human interactions. The more you cut that down, you lose the joke, which is that this is painful and hard. (Awkward Quotes)
It’s often the case that the most strained moments in books are the very beginning and the very end - the getting in and the getting out. The ending, especially: it’s awkward, as if the writer doesn’t know when the book is over and nervously says it all again. (Awkward Quotes)
I think we’re the only jokeless show on television. I mean really, we have no setups and no punch lines. It’s not a joke show. There are funny lines and funny moments but again the comedy is born of the human experience and awkward pauses are a great part of what it is to be human. (Awkward Quotes)
Awkward silences rule the world. People are so terrified of awkward silences that they will literally go to war rather than face an awkward silence. (Awkward Quotes)
There is an awkward silence that overcomes you when cross paths with the person that kisses your heart the second that you meet them. It balances on the edge of unknown but always desired. (Awkward Quotes)
This might make for an awkward situation. I have a talent for awkward situations. (Awkward Quotes)
My tendency to make awkward situations even more ininappropriate and uncomfortable was such a charming characteristic. (Awkward Quotes)
Being injured is quite an awkward situation to be in mentally. Physically, it’s quite good to have a bit of a rest, but mentally it’s hell. (Awkward Quotes)
Yes, alas, I’ve been on some recording sessions where the music wasn’t good. Not so many, really, considering how many I’ve done. It’s a very awkward situation because to do a recording well you focus on the positive of what will make the piece better. (Awkward Quotes)
When I was in my early twenties I didn’t have a need to rub together, back when my life was a series of wants and whims. But recently I had felt overwhelmed by longings that seemed to lunge out of me in the most awkward situations. (Awkward Quotes)
A very awkward situation occurs often in New York City when you are walking down a relatively empty sidewalk and there happens to be a person walking right next to you in the same direction as you at the exact same pace as you. I never know whether to pass or draft. It becomes sort of a strange competition. (Awkward Quotes)
The best thing a man can do on a first date is be a friend. I think that’s the biggest mistake men make on the first date. Just get to know me. Be my friend. Just kick it with me as if I was hanging with a homeboy. It shouldn’t be this awkward situation. It should be that we’re there, having a great time. (Awkward Quotes)