Ayn Rand Quotes

Text Quotes
There are no contradictions. If you find one, check your premises (Ayn Rand Quotes)
A spirit, too, needs fuel. It can run dry (Ayn Rand Quotes)
A leash is a rope with a noose at both ends (Ayn Rand Quotes)
The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone (Ayn Rand Quotes)
There can be no compromise on moral principles (Ayn Rand Quotes)
The cult of moral grayness is a revolt against moral values (Ayn Rand Quotes)
Civilization is the process of setting man free from men (Ayn Rand Quotes)
Place nothing above the verdict of your own mind (Ayn Rand Quotes)
I think. I am. I will (Ayn Rand Quotes)
There are no evil thoughts except one; the refusal to think (Ayn Rand Quotes)
Any work is creative work if done by a thinking mind (Ayn Rand Quotes)
Within the extent of your knowledge, you are right (Ayn Rand Quotes)
A man’s ego is the fountainhead of human progress (Ayn Rand Quotes)
Anyone who fights for the future, lives in it today (Ayn Rand Quotes)
Integrity is the ability to stand by an idea (Ayn Rand Quotes)
It was the greatest sensation of existence: not to trust but to know (Ayn Rand Quotes)
The more you learn, the more you know that you know nothing (Ayn Rand Quotes)
I am. I think. I will (Ayn Rand Quotes)
If you write a line of zeroes, it´s still nothing (Ayn Rand Quotes)
It is a sin to write this (Ayn Rand Quotes)
I feel that others live up to me, if they want me (Ayn Rand Quotes)
He never felt lonliness except when he was happy (Ayn Rand Quotes)
You are damned, and we wish to share your damnation (Ayn Rand Quotes)
One loses everything when one loses one’s sense of humor (Ayn Rand Quotes)
We didn’t really have to take everything so seriously, did we? (Ayn Rand Quotes)
Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes (Ayn Rand Quotes)
And man will go on. Man, not men (Ayn Rand Quotes)
Do not let the hero in your soul perish (Ayn Rand Quotes)
That time and those people are upon you! (Ayn Rand Quotes)
The man who produces while others dispose of his product is a slave (Ayn Rand Quotes)