Azar Nafisi Quotes

Text Quotes
Living in the Islamic Republic is like having sex with someone you loathe (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
Well, that was in 1995 when I resigned from my last academic job (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
For more than 30 years the Islamic regime and its apologists have tried to dismiss women’s struggle in Iran as part of a western ploy (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
I finally returned to Iran in 1979, when I got my degree in English and American literature, and stayed for 18 years in the Islamic republic (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
I would like to say how much I resent people who say of the Islamic Republic that this is our culture - as if women like to be stoned to death, or as if they like to be married at the age of nine (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
Thus the regime has deprived Iranian women not just of their present rights, but also of their history and their past (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
Unfortunately for governments like that of Iran, when they forbid something, people become more interested (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
When I was teaching at the University of Tehran we were struggling against the implementation of the revolution rules (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
I have a recurring fantasy that one more article has been added to the Bill of Rights: the right to free access to imagination (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
This, I believe, is how the villain in modern fiction is born: a creature without compassion, without empathy (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
People would react to books by authors like James and Austen almost on a gut level. I think it was not so much the message, because the best authors do not have obvious messages. These authors were disturbing to my students because of their perspectives on life (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
Religion was used as an ideology, as a system of control. When they forced the veil upon women, they were using it as an instrument of control in the same way that in Mao’s China people were wearing Mao jackets and women were not supposed to wear any makeup (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
The best work of literature to represent the American Dream is ‘the Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It shows us how dreaming can be tainted by reality, and that if you don’t compromise, you may suffer (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
The biggest crime in Nabokov’s ‘Lolita’ is imposing your own dream upon someone else’s reality. Humbert Humbert is blind. He doesn’t see Lolita’s reality. He doesn’t see that Lolita should leave. He only sees Lolita as an extension of his own obsession. This is what a totalitarian state does (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
I could have told him to learn from Gatsby. from the lonely, isolated Gatsby, who also tried to retrieve his past and give flash and blood to a fancy, a dream that was never meant to be more than a dream (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
Had I been able to formulate my first impressions of the United States, I might have said that there was a place in America called Kansas, where people could find a magic land at the heart of a cyclone. (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
The revolution taught me not to be consoled by other people’s miseries, not to feel thankful because so many others had suffered more. Pain and loss, like love and joy, are unique and personal; they cannot be modified by comparison to others. (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
Every great work of art ... is a celebration, an act of insubordination against the betrayals, horrors and infidelities of life. (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
I have a recurring fantasy that one more article has been added to the Bill of Rights: the right to free access to imagination. (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
This is a good time to ask apologists for the Islamic regime, who degrades Islam? Who imposes stoning, forced marriage of underage girls and flogging for not wearing the veil? Do such practices represent Iran’s ancient history and culture, its ethnic and religious diversity? Its centuries of sensual and subversive poetry? (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
America was based on a poetic vision. What will happen when it loses its poetry? (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
I finally returned to Iran in 1979, when I got my degree in English and American literature, and stayed for 18 years in the Islamic republic. (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
I would like to say how much I resent people who say of the Islamic Republic that this is our culture - as if women like to be stoned to death, or as if they like to be married at the age of nine. (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
Visa for Avalon is a testament to the power of fiction. It illuminates the truth at the heart of what is commonly called reality. This account of lives transformed and ruined by the triumph of a totalitarian rule is a timely reminder of how moral and intellectual laziness and apathy can pave the road to the reign of terror brought on by such a system (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
We speak of facts, yet facts exist only partially to us if they are not repeated and re-created through emotions, thoughts and feelings. To me it seemed as if we had not really existed, or only half existed, because we could not imaginatively realize ourselves and communicate to the world, because we had used works of imagination to serve as handmaidens to some political ploy (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
Empathy lies at the heart of Gatsby, like so many other great novels-the biggest sin is to be blind to others problems and pains. Not seeing them means denying their existence (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
You don’t read Gatsby, I said, to learn whether adultery is good or bad but to learn about how complicated issues such as adultery and fidelity and marriage are. A great novel heightens your senses and sensitivity to the complexities of life and of individuals, and prevents you from the self-righteousness that sees morality in fixed formulas about good and evil (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
I eat my heart out alone (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
I’m a perfectly equipped failure (Azar Nafisi Quotes)
Art is as useful as bread (Azar Nafisi Quotes)