B C Forbes Quotes

Text Quotes
He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly (B C Forbes Quotes)
The person who renders loyal service in a humble capacity will be chosen for higher responsibilities, just as the biblical servant who multiplied the one pound given him by his master was made ruler over ten cities (B C Forbes Quotes)
Triumph often is nearest when defeat seems inescapable (B C Forbes Quotes)
A business like an automobile, has to be driven, in order to get results (B C Forbes Quotes)
If you don’t drive your business, you will be driven out of business (B C Forbes Quotes)
Jealousy... is a mental cancer (B C Forbes Quotes)
Real riches are the riches possessed inside (B C Forbes Quotes)
A shady business never yields a sunny life (B C Forbes Quotes)
It is the hard-boiled employer, not the soft-hearted species, that incites most of our strikes and does most ot endanger the harmonious progress of democracy. (B C Forbes Quotes)
It is when things go hardest, when life becomes most trying, that there is greatest need for having a fixed goal. (B C Forbes Quotes)
I have never seen people who could do real work except under the stimulus of encouragement and enthusiasm and the approval of the people for whom they are working. (B C Forbes Quotes)
Selfishness corrodes. Unselfishness ennobles, satisfies. Don’t put off the joy derivable from doing helpful, kindly things for others. (B C Forbes Quotes)
The truth doesn’t hurt unless it ought to (B C Forbes Quotes)
To make headway, improve your head (B C Forbes Quotes)
What you have outside you counts less than what you have inside you (B C Forbes Quotes)
Work is the meat of life, pleasure the dessert (B C Forbes Quotes)
Christmas is a tonic for our souls. It moves us to think of others rather than of ourselves. It directs our thoughts to giving. (B C Forbes Quotes)
The man without religion is as a ship without a rudder (B C Forbes Quotes)
Whenever possible, I like to have the supreme head of a company show me over the works. It is extremely illuminating to note the attitude of workers towards their boss, and equally interesting to note the attitude towards the workers. It is tragic to notice how many chief executives of large concerns are absolutely unknown, even by sight, to the rank and file of their workers (B C Forbes Quotes)
I have known not a few men who, after reaching the summits of business success, found themselves miserable on attaining retirement age. They were so exclusively engrossed in their day to day affairs that they had no time for friend making. (B C Forbes Quotes)
Golf is an ideal diversion, but a ruinous disease (B C Forbes Quotes)
Diamonds are only lumps of coal that stuck to their jobs (B C Forbes Quotes)
The men who have done big things are those who were not afraid to attempt big things, who were not afraid to risk failure in order to gain success. (B C Forbes Quotes)
The Christmas spirit brings home to us-or should bring home to us-the profound Biblical truth that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Anything which inspires unselfishness makes for our ennoblement. Christmas does that. I am all for Christmas (B C Forbes Quotes)
Time mends all, ends all things earthly (B C Forbes Quotes)
The fellow who isn’t fired with enthusiasm is apt to be fired (B C Forbes Quotes)
It’s so much easier to do good than to be good (B C Forbes Quotes)
America, in the eyes of the world, typifies above all else this quality of initiative. The greatest successes are nearly all the fruit of initiative. Why do we hold in such high esteem the achievements of the Wright brothers? Because they were illustrious examples of initiative and tenacity. And ideas are born of initiative, the children of men and women of initiative. Advancement is applied initiative. Don’t imitate. Initiate (B C Forbes Quotes)
Bragging often precedes begging (B C Forbes Quotes)
Honesty pays dividends both in dollars and in peace of mind (B C Forbes Quotes)