Babies Quotes

Text Quotes
There are few things that’s forever, my lady.We can make war or make babies (Babies Quotes)
I have been there, and I have seen these totally formed babies as early as ten weeks... with the leg missing, or with their head off. I have seen the little rib cages (Babies Quotes)
Truth, which is important to a scholar, has to be concrete. And there is nothing more concrete than dealing with babies, burps and bottles, frogs and mud (Babies Quotes)
I would like to see every woman know how to handle guns as naturally as they know how to handle babies (Babies Quotes)
The fear of rejection really kind of stunts your growth as a person. I mean, it’s like a friend of mine says, who cares if you fail? Who cares if you fail? It’s like babies try to get up and walk all the time and they keep falling down. If we just gave up, we’d all be crawling around (Babies Quotes)
Choose what you want to do – or watch someone else doing it. Learn how to handle tools, paint, babies, machinery, or just listen to your favourite tune. Dance, talk or be lifted up to where you can see how other people make things work. Sit out over space with a drink and tune in to what’s happening elsewhere in the city. Try starting a riot or beginning a painting – or just lie back and stare at the sky (Babies Quotes)
That’s why I like babies. They’re like beginnings we don’t have? (Babies Quotes)
Crying can help, too. People are often afraid to cry because they are told that crying is for babies. Crying does not make you a baby, no matter what anyone says. There are times when people feel so bad that they can’t express their feelings in words. At those times, crying helps (Babies Quotes)
Once my jars were labeled, I felt contentedly thrilled with myself, as if I had pulled off a wonderful trick. People feel this way when they bake bread or have babies, and although they are perfectly entitled to feel that way, in fact, nature does most of the work (Babies Quotes)
Shall I tell you something I’ve been noticing? The mistrust this society has for women. All kinds of experts and officials are terrified because so many women are working. They really think that women have to be coerced into having babies and raising kids (Babies Quotes)
So much for the fruits of love. Love? What’s love? Sex, ah, that’s another thing. Love has babies: sex has abortions (Babies Quotes)
I was a hotshot as a junior. When I was 18, I really got into fiddling around. I completely lost interest in golf, and I guess all I could think about was going to college, getting married and having babies (Babies Quotes)
Creating new people, by having babies, is so much a part of human life that it is rarely thought even to require a justification. Indeed, most people do not even think about whether they should or should not make a baby. They just make one. In other words, procreation is usually the consequence of sex rather than the result of a decision to bring people into existence. Those who do indeed decide to have a child might do so for any number of reasons, but among these reasons cannot be the interests of the potential child. One can never have a child for that child’s sake (Babies Quotes)
You can’t be judgmental about babies. They are all have different needs. I was left with an enduring hatred of cheese because it was forced down me when I was young (Babies Quotes)
Moloch merely shovels babies into the fire of productive capitalism. Mammon hooks them on the dead heroin of envy (Babies Quotes)
What is the origin of the urge, the fascincation that drives physicists, mathematicians, and presumably other scientists as well? Psychoanalysis suggests that it is sexual curiosity. You start by asking where little babies come from, one thing leads to another, and you find yourself preparing nitroglycerine or solving differential equations. This explanation is somewhat irritating, and therefore probably basically correct (Babies Quotes)
The little babies are missing their families from their past lives. The babies have old souls and the old souls have to shrink to become little babies. The tears loosen their memories so they can slide away. They cry at the life they have lost, and then they cry at everything they’ll forget (Babies Quotes)
The worst scream I have ever heard, by far, is a mother cow on a dairy farm screaming her lungs out day, after day, after day for her stolen baby to be given back to her. And why do they steal babies from their moms? Well, the dairy industry can’t have little babies sucking up all that milk that was meant for them. Every time you have a glass of cow milk, some calf is not (Babies Quotes)
This seems counterintuitive, but turns out that as infant mortality is reduced, population sizes also decrease, because parents don’t need to anticipate that their babies are going to die (Babies Quotes)
If you were to press your heart close up against somebody else’s heart eventually your hearts will start beating at the same time. And two little babies in an incubator, their hearts will beat at the same time. Love that. So if you have somebody in your life that is prone to anxiety, like myself, and if you happen to be a calm person, you could come up and hug me heart to heart and my heart hopefully would slow to yours. And I just love that idea. Or maybe yours would speed up to mine. But either way, we’ll be there together (Babies Quotes)
To let blessed babies go dangling and dawdling without names, for months and months, was enough to ruin them for life (Babies Quotes)
A society that places a low value on its mothers and the process of birth will suffer an array of negative repercussions for doing so. Good beginnings make a positive difference in the world, so it is worth our while to provide the best possible care for mothers and babies throughout this extraordinarily influential part of life (Babies Quotes)
Children and babies should be held in the most sacred regard. We feel that they’re the most natural and true magicians (Babies Quotes)
Everybody’s trying to leave their mark on the world. That’s why there’s graffiti and babies (Babies Quotes)
Each and every one of us is born with a clean heart. Our babies know nothing about hate or racism. But soon they begin to learn – and only from us. We keep racism alive. We pass it on to our children. We owe it to our children to help them keep their clean start (Babies Quotes)
Putting babies as young as two weeks into child care for the first year of their life, for 60 hours a week, will cause their brains damage (Babies Quotes)
It’s not just the making of babies, but the making of mothers that midwives see as the miracle of birth (Babies Quotes)
Babies are like poems. They’re beautiful to their creator, but to other people, they’re silly and they’re irritating (Babies Quotes)
We’ve got babies raising babies, and it’s important for us as responsible adults to go out and do what we can to make sure that our kids are steered in the right direction (Babies Quotes)
Infancy is a vulnerable stage of development, therefore, it’s not enough that babies receive good care, the care must be excellent (Babies Quotes)