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Baboon Quotes

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What are you gonna do for a face when the baboon wants his ass back?  (Baboon Quotes) Just my luck, on top of everything else I had to take baboon medicine  (Baboon Quotes) Never call anyone a baboon unless you are sure of your facts  (Baboon Quotes) The hamadryas baboon is a harem holder where one male mates with multiple females  (Baboon Quotes) If a weaker baboon be attacked by a stronger baboon the weaker baboon will either (a) present his hrump fanny I believe is the word, gentlemen, heh heh for passive intercourse or (b) if he is a different type baboon more extrovert and well-adjusted, lead an attack on an even weaker baboon if he can find one  (Baboon Quotes) What are you going to do for a face when that baboon asks for its ass back?  (Baboon Quotes) A baboon in a forest is a matter of legitimate speculation; a baboon in a zoo is an object of public curiosity; but a baboon in your wife’s bed is a cause of the gravest concern  (Baboon Quotes) I had never planned to become a savanna baboon when I grew up; instead, I had always assumed I would become a mountain gorilla  (Baboon Quotes) There once was a brainy baboon, Who always breathed down a bassoon, For he said, It appears That in billions of years I shall certainly hit on a tune  (Baboon Quotes) There once was a brainy baboon, Who always breathed down a bassoon, For he said, It appears That in billions of years I shall certainly hit on a tune.  (Baboon Quotes)