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Baby Quotes

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Dennis: She’s turned me down. She’s broken my heart. Hal: She doesn’t know what she is missing, baby. Dennis: But she does! That’s what’s so humiliating  (Baby Quotes) Prayer sometimes dulls the hunger of the pauper, like a mother’s finger thrust into the mouth of her starving baby  (Baby Quotes) To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead baby, the world itself is the bad dream  (Baby Quotes) True art comes out of an artist’s urgent need to express the feelings that have formed inside him, just as a mother needs to give birth to her baby. False art answers only to profit  (Baby Quotes) We had a death pact. I have to keep my half of the bargain. Please bury me next to my baby in my leather jacket, jeans and motor cycle boots. Goodbye  (Baby Quotes) A baby is a loud noise at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other  (Baby Quotes) I don’t particularly like being pregnant. I like the baby at the end. Pregnancy is a very distant thing for me. I can’t seem to believe there’s really a baby there. It’s such a miracle  (Baby Quotes) You cannot contract to sell a baby. If they legalize this contract they may soon start bringing poor women in from other countries just to be breeders  (Baby Quotes) Listen, can you hear it? Spring’s sweet cantata. The strains of grass pushing through the snow. The song of buds swelling on the vine. The tender timpani of a baby robin’s heart. Spring  (Baby Quotes) If your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time, you’re the grandma  (Baby Quotes) The first one hundred and fifty year old human being could be alive as a baby today  (Baby Quotes) The music industry, I’ve never been concerned with. I’ve been very fortunate that it has taken care of me. Like a baby being breast fed  (Baby Quotes) I don’t have any children, but if I had a baby, I would have to name it so I’d buy a baby naming book. Or I would invite somebody over who had a cast on  (Baby Quotes) In missional churches, the baby birds have been pushed out of the nest and are learning to fly for themselves  (Baby Quotes) When you’re talking about fighting, as it is, with no rules, well then, baby you’d better train every part of your body!  (Baby Quotes) Where did you come from baby dear? Out of the everywhere into the here... Where did you get your eyes so blue? Out of the skies as I came through  (Baby Quotes) Carrying a baby is the most rewarding experience a female can enjoy. A father shares in that experience, knowing that he caused it to happen  (Baby Quotes) A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die  (Baby Quotes) The only time a women wishes she was a year older is when she’s expecting a baby  (Baby Quotes) Giving birth is not a matter of pushing, expelling the baby, but of yielding, surrendering to birth energy  (Baby Quotes) People are giving birth underwater now. They say it’s less traumatic for the baby because it’s in water. But certainly more traumatic for the other people in the pool  (Baby Quotes) You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I’ll buy you a new car  (Baby Quotes) I don’t know any parents that look into the eyes of a newborn baby and say, how can we screw this kid up  (Baby Quotes) The morning that my baby came they found a baby swallow dead, and saw a something hard to name Fly mothlike over baby’s bed  (Baby Quotes) Don’t you think baby corns are scary? There’s just something wrong about their midget bodies  (Baby Quotes) Yeah, I treat all my heroines like children now. I pick them up, I cuddle them, I call them baby  (Baby Quotes) If I’m dreaming please don’t wake me up cause baby I can’t get enough of what you do  (Baby Quotes) I don’t have a gun, but if I did, I would shoot a baby deer in the mouth and feel nothing  (Baby Quotes) I seen a baby cry seconds later he laughs... the beauty of life, the pain never lasts  (Baby Quotes) All you have to do is believe, baby, believe you’re the best in the world and you’ll get here  (Baby Quotes)
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