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Baby Quotes

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In came... a baby, eloquent as infancy usually is, and like most youthful orators, more easily heard than understood  (Baby Quotes) I’m glad I have such an adorable baby to use for my profile picture until I lose the weight  (Baby Quotes) It feels like your memory has got a map of my mind, no matter where I go you find me every time, alone or in a crowd I hear you whispering baby. And it’s driving me crazy  (Baby Quotes) Did you hear about the baby born with organs of both sexes? It had a penis and a brain  (Baby Quotes) I can’t wait to see you at my baby shower and then never again once I have a baby  (Baby Quotes) Here’s to doing as little work today as the royal baby will do in his entire life  (Baby Quotes) To me having a party is something like having a baby. The fact that you got through the last one alive is not somehow sufficiently reassuring now  (Baby Quotes) Congratulations on naming your baby after something you saw at a farmer’s market  (Baby Quotes) Sorry your holiday party was ruined by a guest who needed a bib more than your baby  (Baby Quotes) Thanks for inviting me to your baby shower, it reminded me to take my birth control pill  (Baby Quotes) Having a baby saved our marriage because we’re too exhausted to argue anymore  (Baby Quotes) I’ll attend your baby’s birthday party when your baby is old enough to realize it’s having a birthday party  (Baby Quotes) Take a bow. Hear the applause? My heart is broken and you’re the cause. I played the game and it looks like you’ve won. Congratulations, baby. I hope you’ve had fun  (Baby Quotes) Haters are just people who are jealous of everything you have. Don’t let them steal your shine. Cause baby you’re a shooting star  (Baby Quotes) My baby know I got it under control, never will I crack under pressure or will I fold  (Baby Quotes) I can’t believe how much the royal baby looks like every other baby I don’t know or care about  (Baby Quotes) Just curious if you’d like to pay me tens of millions of dollars for pictures of my new baby  (Baby Quotes) These chicks be 9 months and on they due date still clubbing and lookin for their baby daddy  (Baby Quotes) Let’s welcome the royal baby boy into a world where millions of people lost money by incorrectly guessing his gender  (Baby Quotes) Hey baby wanna come over to myspace so I could twitter your yahoo till you google all over my facebook  (Baby Quotes) If all there’s left to do is walk away, then baby I’m as gone as yesterday  (Baby Quotes) Baby I miss you please close your eyes and come meet me in our dreams tonight  (Baby Quotes) If you were born after 87 you’re still a 90s baby because you didn’t live long enough in the 80s  (Baby Quotes) Someday I’d like to have a baby with someone who’s not remotely like the person I’m sleeping with now  (Baby Quotes) All pregnant woman give birth to a baby, while my mother gave birth to a legend  (Baby Quotes) Your baby only needs a lot of light at night if he’s reading or he’s entertaining guests  (Baby Quotes) Please come to my lavish baby shower to help us forget how poor we’ll be once the baby arrives  (Baby Quotes) I’m concerned the debt we’re inheriting from the baby boomers may be too massive to dump onto our children  (Baby Quotes) And now you’ve tried to fix me. But baby, before you came around, I was never broken  (Baby Quotes) Some guys will cheat on their girlfriends and sleep like a baby at night but feel guilty when they go to another barber  (Baby Quotes)
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