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Baby Quotes

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Loads of weirdos send me things, like strange bits of leather. And then there was the guy who thought I was having his baby. Apparently, he’s been writing to Princess Anne too, so I clearly belong to a good, erm, sub-section of society  (Baby Quotes) I consider myself a modern-day dad, where I still got rock’n’roll in me, but yet I take being a parent and relationships very seriously in life. I’m tired of the image of the father as a fat, beer-chugging, stupid guy. That image has to change. I’m changing it, baby, one city at a time  (Baby Quotes) Song writing is about the male-female relationship. Yes, there are songs of, of brotherhood and politics but very rarely do we write about computers or, there are car songs, cars are cool. But even in the car songs, it’s, ah, usually gets down to me and my baby and my car  (Baby Quotes) If I don’t take care of myself and be kind to myself, then I can’t take care of anyone else. I think when my son was a baby I got used to not getting enough sleep, rushing and skipping meals, and feeling tired a lot of the time  (Baby Quotes) Say I never settled down I’m with you girl, look at me now Cause you changed me baby  (Baby Quotes) Ain’t no sense in frontin’ when you know I got a thing for you Ain’t no other girls in mind it’s me and you baby, I love you  (Baby Quotes) When I call myself an affirmative action baby, I’m talking about the essence of what affirmative action was when it started.  (Baby Quotes) I once wrote on my MySpace profile that music is never authentic. It was a reaction to constantly reading the word ‘authentic’ in connection with bands. But what does that mean? A baby crying after being pushed out of its mother’s womb, now that’s what I’d call authentic.  (Baby Quotes) A 66-YEAR-OLD woman has become the oldest new mum in Britain after giving birth to a baby boy. I’m amazed she needed to have a caesarean section though, you’d think at 66 she would have needed some masking tape down there just to stop it falling out.  (Baby Quotes) I know being pregnant and giving birth is the most wonderful thing on Earth. I know that after you have a baby, there is a sense of addiction, a need to have another. It’s biological.  (Baby Quotes) Life isn’t like coursework, baby. It’s one damn essay crisis after another.  (Baby Quotes) My greatest inspiration... is my mum, who had a baby at the age of 42 and is still so fit, independent and beautiful.  (Baby Quotes) I am equal to a baby and to a hundred year old lady. I am equal to an airline pilot and a car mechanic. I am equal to you. You are equal to me. It’s that universal. Except that it’s not.  (Baby Quotes) I think breastfeeding is part of what helped me lose my baby weight. I just dump it all into my chubby little son.  (Baby Quotes) I’m too awkward to date, I think. I’m kind of all or nothing, you know? Either put a baby inside of me or leave me alone.  (Baby Quotes) The baby boomer surge is forcing society to face decisions about costs - and particularly what is valuable. It’s senseless for clinicians and governments to bear these choices alone; a sad effect of needless paternalism is that it places a false burden on responsible people.  (Baby Quotes) Frankie is my baby. He is the sweetest dog in the world. Frankie is like the son I never had. He keeps me healthy; I walk and run him. I always feel that I need to spend more time with him and give him more attention. I find myself unloading my emotions on him.  (Baby Quotes) Everyone says, ‘You give birth, you go home, and you have this amazing baby and it’s just beautiful’. And I walked in and I just started sobbing.  (Baby Quotes) I started crying the other day just thinking that the baby is going to leave me soon! You have this relationship with this person in your belly and it’s really amazing.  (Baby Quotes) The TiVo is really an amazing machine. Like everyone who has one, I totally recommend it. Just as everyone who’s married will tell you to get married, and everyone who has a baby tells you to have a baby, everyone who owns a TiVo will tell you to get a TiVo, and they’ll say things like ‘Your life will be completely different.’ It’s true.  (Baby Quotes) It’s amazing to watch somebody who is kind of this sleazy, degenerate lothario, sex-crazed guy become sort of a romantic, settled-down man about to have a baby.  (Baby Quotes) Spend some time observing babies. They don’t work; they poop in their pants, and they have no goals other than to expand, grow and explore this amazing world. Be like that baby you once were, in terms of being joyful.  (Baby Quotes) In an instant, the law was transformed: from the last passenger on the safe-haven bandwagon to a pioneer into uncharted territory. For the first time in American history, it was not only legal to relinquish a baby; in Nebraska, it was okay to abandon any child of any age for any reason at any time - with the full protection of the law.  (Baby Quotes) I really loved animals when I was little - my friend and I had an imaginary vet’s office; we would mime doing surgery on animals. We treated more injuries than illnesses - fixing with a baby bear with a broken leg, removing a tumor. Of course, our surgeries would take about five seconds; that’s how good we were.  (Baby Quotes) You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I’ll buy you a new car.  (Baby Quotes) Everyone thinks Angelina Jolie was the first celebrity baby hoarder, but she wasn’t. Before Angelina there was Mia Farrow. Mia had an entire farm full of children. I think she got them at Costco.  (Baby Quotes) Killing a baby seal is about the easiest thing you can do if you’re inclined to be sadistic; you certainly can’t say there’s any sport in it - the animal is totally defenceless.  (Baby Quotes) Those who wish to pet and baby wild animals ‘love’ them. But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives, love them more.  (Baby Quotes) A good way to take a baby step into the world of animal rights is to make a list of small things you can do to help your issue and work your way up to the big things. Make a promise to do one thing on your list each month.  (Baby Quotes) 3D is quite a lot more advanced in animated movies; for live-action movies we’re just taking baby steps, we’re just in the beginning. So when I think of doing that I was very excited. It didn’t go as far as I think it should, I’m still a novice, but I think it’s fair to say it’s a new cinematic medium, experience.  (Baby Quotes)
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