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Baby Quotes

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I will take a short time out from being in Parliament when the baby is born but I’ll still be doing my constituency work - just with another baby in tow.  (Baby Quotes) I don’t know how we’re going to have this baby because I’m in my forties and I can’t even remember my first son’s name. But I’m going to have another baby because I’m feeling good.  (Baby Quotes) I’m 48 now and I would like to have another baby. I would love to because of all the things I have learned. It would be like starting all over again. But am I too old? I’m young at heart and I would be different this time round.  (Baby Quotes) Have another baby. I mean, it’s such a miracle to have one. And there’s so...  (Baby Quotes) Maybe if I have another baby [I will grow my hair], because your hair grows super fast. I’ll just grow it out and go natural for a minute.  (Baby Quotes) My mom says I’m her sugarplum. My mom says I’m her lamb. My mom says I’m completely perfect Just the way I am. My mom says I’m a super-special wonderful terrific little guy. My mom just had another baby. Why?  (Baby Quotes) It’s so funny because a lot of times we’ll have these discussions as writers, and you feel like you’re having a discussion with your wife: ‘I don’t know. Are they ready to have another baby? Is it time? Well, she’s not getting any younger.’  (Baby Quotes) To finally get that call from the doctor that you’re pregnant and you’re having a baby.... It was just another world.  (Baby Quotes) The baby boomers owe a big debt of gratitude to the parents and grandparents - who we haven’t given enough credit to anyway - for giving us another generation.  (Baby Quotes) The husbands, who sometimes have another family who’s grown, are going, Now I can spend time with my baby. Oh yeah, I bet your other family is really thrilled.  (Baby Quotes) Everything is so aggressively marketed at every age: if you’re not in Baby Gap, you’re not cool. That’s how everybody’s grown up, so they don’t even know it could be another way.  (Baby Quotes) I don’t like my hockey sticks touching other sticks, and I don’t like them crossing one another, and I kind of have them hidden in the corner. I put baby powder on the ends. I think it’s essentially a matter of taking care of what takes care of you.  (Baby Quotes) No baby boomer has a completely original idea, but after 13 years on ‘Today’ and another 11 on ‘Dateline,’ almost 30 years total at NBC, I felt the urge to find out what was ‘behind the camera.’ I had the feeling there was ‘something more,’ though ‘more’ might be less.  (Baby Quotes) Look at every show on television; it’s derivative of another show that came before it. It was only a matter of time. So all you ‘Mentalist’ fans, it’s okay to like the show, but don’t be in denial of where it came from. Friday nights, U.S.A., basic cable-style baby.  (Baby Quotes) One way to make a baby cry is to expose it to cries of other babies. There’s sort of contagiousness to the crying. It’s not just crying. We also know that if a baby sees another human in silent pain, it will distress the baby. It seems part of our very nature is to suffer at the suffering of others.  (Baby Quotes) Bringing a baby into the world is something I’ve always wanted, and now I’m completely ready for my life to start revolving around another human being.  (Baby Quotes) I actually remember feeling delight, at two o’clock in the morning, when the baby woke for his feed, because I so longed to have another look at him.  (Baby Quotes) [On sister Kim’s pregnancy] The new year, we’ve got another child coming, so that’s great. Kim’s never had a baby, so it’s going to be a beautiful blessing.  (Baby Quotes) I was 27, an unemployed actress living in a really crappy studio apartment. I had just moved to Los Angeles alone, away from my family. I had cervical and uterine cancer and I was told that I would never be able to carry a baby.  (Baby Quotes) We have been so successful in the past century at the art of living longer and staying alive that we have forgotten how to die. Too often we learn the hard way. As soon as the baby boomers pass pensionable age, their lesson will be harsher still.  (Baby Quotes) I was the baby of the family, but I was never babied, and that allowed me to take whatever artistic temperament I had and apply learned discipline. I was taught how to work. I think that’s everything. Creativity and imagination alone are not going to get you there.  (Baby Quotes) Asking someone to make for you money is like asking them to make for you a baby: they will own the money just as they will own the baby  (Baby Quotes) It’s funny, because I did all of these interviews as soon as I had the baby, and they were asking questions, and I really didn’t have an idea of anything, because I was so blurry.  (Baby Quotes) If ‘Star Wars’ wasn’t enough to prepare me for a dark future, there was the ‘Planet of the Apes’ franchise, conveniently repeated for me in Los Angeles on KABC’s Channel Seven 3:30 movie. Apes enslaving humans! Mutants with boils and an atom bomb! Ape riots in Century City! They killed baby Caesar’s parents!  (Baby Quotes) It is only the first baby that takes up the whole of a woman’s time.Five or six do not require nearly so much attention as one.  (Baby Quotes) The truth is that most of your Facebook friends are too busy counting their own ‘likes’ to pay attention to you for more than a few seconds anyway. Unless you happen to be a kitten who’s in love with a baby goat, in which case you should hire a publicist immediately.  (Baby Quotes) How come life is so important in the nine months before birth, but then we sort of forget about the importance, we’re not worried about whether that baby lives in poverty once he or she is born.  (Baby Quotes) I want to go to Heaven, and I don’t want to come back. I don’t wanna come back and be a baby, and be a teenager again. Oh my God, no! No, I don’t want to be a teenager again. It’s too awkward.  (Baby Quotes) When I was pregnant, I had the romantic idea that after the baby was born I would not only take up reading in earnest again, but also write a novel while my daughter slept in her Moses basket. Of course, I barely had time to keep up with my magazines until she started sleeping properly.  (Baby Quotes) I don’t believe in ‘thinking’ old. Although I’ve transitioned through many bodies - a baby, toddler, child, teen, young adult, mid-life and older adult - my spirit is unchanged. I support my body with exercise, my mind with reading and writing, and my spirit with the knowing that I am part of the Divine source of all life.  (Baby Quotes)
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