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Baby Quotes

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Whether I felt strong and courageous or not, I would now have to be for my baby boy  (Baby Quotes) My mom sees her sons as baby boys. Well, I stopped being her baby boy a long time ago.  (Baby Quotes) I just want a healthy, happy baby, so the whether it’s a boy or a girl really doesn’t matter.  (Baby Quotes) If you want something to play with go find yourself a toy, baby, my time is too expensive and I’m not a little boy.  (Baby Quotes) I’ve had to live with women all my life. I grew up with four older sisters, and I was the baby and the only boy.  (Baby Quotes) When a couple has a strong preference for a baby boy or girl, who is injured by allowing them to choose? Certainly not the child.  (Baby Quotes) I had my boy in Boston on Easter Sunday. That kills me, from a sports perspective. He’s a Boston baby and I’m a New York guy.  (Baby Quotes) Guy Boy Man, says Baby Doll15. Violence is not the answer.I look down the hallway, steely eyed. Then I don’t like the question. Sweetie and I high five.  (Baby Quotes) Can’t clean up after you anymore, baby brother, so don’t punk out. Make it count.  (Baby Quotes) Inside my head I carry: my baby goat, my baby brother, my ama’s face, our family’s future. My bundle is light. My burden is heavy.  (Baby Quotes) Whenever I want to laugh, I read a wonderful book, ‘Children’s Letters to God.’ You can open it anywhere. One I read recently said, ‘Dear God, thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy.’  (Baby Quotes) I have two older brothers. I am the baby. We’re all very, very close. We’re great communicators, so we get along really well.  (Baby Quotes) My brothers were my idols. I’ve always looked up to them and was proud to be their baby sister. I felt like they gave me some cool points, too.  (Baby Quotes) We forget that this music, music made by my brothers and sisters, is still a baby. It’s just beginning. When I think of the possibilities, it makes me smile.  (Baby Quotes) My dad was a produce man. He worked in grocery stores for 35 years. My mom just babysat kids and raised us. I have four sisters and one brother. I’m the baby.  (Baby Quotes) I remember being, like, the age of 7 and just always being in control of something or someone, a baby somewhere. I had lots of cousins and brothers, and we were all taught that’s how you are, you know. Things don’t just run themselves; you have to make them run.  (Baby Quotes) Diabetes is a disease that’s had a deep impact on my family. My little brother has had type 1 diabetes since he was a baby and I have spent time learning about the disease and trying to bring attention to it so that one day soon we will reach a cure.  (Baby Quotes) My sister called me Buzzard when I was a baby - she couldn’t say Brother so I’ve been Buzz my whole life.  (Baby Quotes) I definitely want to have a family without a doubt. I want to know that kind of love, and I’m definitely thinking about it. I’m not afraid to have a little baby bump on stage someday.  (Baby Quotes) I loved my second trimester! I didn’t feel sick anymore and had more energy. My bloated belly turned into a baby bump, and I definitely looked pregnant. That was a relief because when I was around 4.5 months, you could see people having this inner monologue with themselves, wondering if I ate too much pizza or if I was pregnant.  (Baby Quotes) I used to go around the country performing. I was in my 20s; I had no fear. But then I had a baby, and all of sudden, your life, your world changes; you change.  (Baby Quotes) It’s always good to leave a little space between eating and lying down in bed at the end of the day. The best thing to eat at night in general is protein, fat, and vegetables. For instance, if you’re in an Italian restaurant, have chicken piccata with lemon-butter sauce, lots of vegetables, and a big salad. You’ll sleep like a baby.  (Baby Quotes) At Christmas time, I spent an extortionate amount of money on Buzz Lightyear toys, baby clothes, Disney cars and the like.  (Baby Quotes) I keep an outfit of my baby clothes on a hanger in my closet. It hangs there like a heretical, anorexic midget. I do this to increase my chances of getting laid (wet baloney is the key to better love making).  (Baby Quotes) I’m not thinking about me that much anymore. Every time I look, I’m looking for my daughter, you know? If I’m in a store, I’m looking at baby clothes. It’s so much cuter to find things for her than to find things for me.  (Baby Quotes) One of my most vivid memories of the mid-1950s is of crying into a washbasin full of soapy grey baby clothes - there were no washing machines - while my handsome and adored husband was off playing football in the park on Sunday morning with all the delightful young men who had been friends to both of us at Cambridge three years earlier.  (Baby Quotes) For the first few months, I was a comically inept parent. The first night home from the hospital, I held her bare body against my bare chest until a friend who was a doctor came by and asked what I was doing, and told me to put some clothes on that baby.  (Baby Quotes) I want to raise my own baby. I don’t want my baby crying for some other strange lady, some nanny. I am not down with that.  (Baby Quotes) I love how the soccer guys just fall when they get kicked and go baby crying.They try to explain to the referee like he’s their mother: Wah! Did you see what he did? Then they get back to playing soccer again.  (Baby Quotes) I think I’d be more relaxed as an older mum, although fundamentally life with a baby is pretty much the same whatever age you are. It’s nappies, crying, feeding.  (Baby Quotes)
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