Back In Time Quotes

Text Quotes
We cannot go back in time and change the past but we can repent (Back In Time Quotes)
I traveled into the future to get back in time (Back In Time Quotes)
I wouldn’t change a thing in my own life, but I’d like to go back in time anyway though, just to some sort of eras that I wish I’d lived in - like the 60s. I’d love to have been in London in the 60s, partying away (Back In Time Quotes)
I laugh when Floyd Mayweather says that if he went back in time he would beat us all. I’ll tell you this: if he was in the same era as Hagler and Hearns and Leonard and me, I don’t think he would be such a big name. There is too much talk (Back In Time Quotes)
But if one could go back in time, I’d love to have been directed by Howard Hawks, who’s one of my great heroes. One of the greatest directors there ever was. He directed probably one of the greatest westerns of all time in ‘Rio Bravo’ (Back In Time Quotes)
Okay, I’ll say I would go back in time and bring scientists with me and create a hairspray that would not cause global warming. But it would still give us 80s hair (Back In Time Quotes)
Today, I will try to remember to regret the past. I will think of how many mistakes I have made throughout my life. I will say to myself, if only I could go back in time and make different choices, so that my life could be the way it should have been. Then I will remind myself that I cannot (Back In Time Quotes)
We can’t solve modern problems by going back in time. Retreating to the safety of the familiar is an understandable response, but God has called us to a life of faith. And faith requires us to face the unknown while trusting Him completely (Back In Time Quotes)
Kids have *_____ never* taken guidance from their parents. If you could travel back in time and observe the original primate family in the original tree, you would see the primate parents yelling at the primate teenager for sitting around and sulking all day instead of hunting for grubs and berries like dad primate. Then you’d see the primate teenager stomp up to his branch and slam the leaves (Back In Time Quotes)
Babe Ruth, what can you say? You are almost speechless when people put your name alongside his name. I wish I can go back in time in meet him. Obviously, he was probably the most important sports figure in the world at that time. Hopefully, someday when I pass away, I get to meet him, and then I can really find out what he was really like (Back In Time Quotes)
We cannot go back in time and change the past, but we can repent. The Savior can wipe away our tears of regret and remove the burden of our sins. His Atonement allows us to leave the past behind and move forward with clean hands, a pure heart, and a determination to do better and especially to become better (Back In Time Quotes)
Going back to school is like going back in time. Immediately, for better or for worse, you must give up a little piece of your autonomy in order to become part of the group. And every group, of course, has its hierarchies and rules- spoken and unspoken. It is like learning to live once again in a family- which, of course, is the setting where all learning begins (Back In Time Quotes)
I wanted to do my part to help preserve that golden age of travel... I step aboard The Patron Tequila Express railcar, and I go back in time to the days when a long journey was something fun and very special (Back In Time Quotes)
I measure success in terms of the connection with the audience, which we’ve been able to do in spades. I mean, it’s very hard to do that. You think about it, you go back in time, you can say, ‘Well, there’s, like, ‘Saturday Night Live’ and ‘Rolling Stone’ or ‘MTV.’’ I think ‘Vice’ is in that category now (Back In Time Quotes)
Imagine the wheel of time turning in a seemingly endless round, revealing that the beginning is the end of another beginning. This is the cyclic nature of the inward journey of creativity, which is by nature back and down - back in time and down into the soul’s depths (Back In Time Quotes)
Even in the forty years that I have been practicing Karate, the changes have been many. It would be interesting to be able to go back in time, to the point when the kata were created, and study them (Back In Time Quotes)
The Sacramento Bee is reporting that Arnold Schwarzenegger is not going to run for governor. You know what would be better? Arnold should do what he does in the Terminator movies. He should go back in time and prevent Gray Davis from ever being born. That way you wouldn’t have the problem (Back In Time Quotes)
Arnold was on the ‘Today’ show today, he was a little light on specifics. He said he could solve California’s $38 billion budget deficit, without cutting spending or raising taxes because there was a third way. What is it? Let’s just say it involves a robot going back in time to convince Gray Davis to go into dentistry (Back In Time Quotes)
Acting is a challenge at times. I mean, when you have scenes where you’re jumping into a mascot bear to travel back in time, and you try to make that seem real. For me, I’m a person that has a pretty wild imagination, just kind of letting that run wild and sort of just doing the best you can to not feel stupid (Back In Time Quotes)
The way we deny death says something about how we live our lives, doesn’t it? At least in Sweden or Scandinavia, you don’t have to search further back in time than maybe three generations to find another way to relate to death. People then had a different, closer relationship with death; at least it was like that in the countryside (Back In Time Quotes)
Go back in time. Next question go and look at dinosaurs. I would be sitting on a rock looking at a T- Rex, loving life (Back In Time Quotes)
I am not the man I once was. I do not want to go back in time, to be the second son, the second man. (Back In Time Quotes)
What happens is, when I perform, I’m somewhere else. I go back in time and get in touch with who I really am. I forget my troubles, my worries. (Back In Time Quotes)
If you were falling in love and you could go back in time and relive a day and see the banal things you did that you’d forgotten about, you’d weep, looking at that day, (Back In Time Quotes)
I work for three or four hours a day, in the late morning and early afternoon. Then I go out for a walk and come back in time for a large gin and tonic. (Back In Time Quotes)
If you are in a state of intense presence you are free of thought, yet highly alert. If your conscious attention sinks below a certain level, thought rushes in, the mental noise returns, stillness is lost, you’re back in time. (Back In Time Quotes)
Perhaps it’s true you can’t go back in time, but you can return to the scene of a love, of a crime, of happiness, and of a fateful decision; the places are what remain, are what you can possess, are what is immortal. (Back In Time Quotes)
You simply have to eventually fall under suspicion from somebody even by a wrong call. And then they can use this system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you’ve ever made, every friend you’ve ever discussed something with. And attack you on that basis to sort to derive suspicion from an innocent life and paint anyone in the context of a wrongdoer. (Back In Time Quotes)
When you lose a lover it’s like getting a bad haircut. It grows back in time. (Back In Time Quotes)
Whether you can go back in time is held in the grip of the law of quantum gravity (Back In Time Quotes)