Back To Reality Quotes

Text Quotes
Reality Sucks, I want my dreams back (Back To Reality Quotes)
Meditate, visualize and create your own reality and the universe will simply reflect back to you (Back To Reality Quotes)
Lord, help me to appreciate this woman/man without elevating her/him above you in my heart. Help me to remember that nobody can ever take your place in my life. You are my strength, my hope, my joy, and my ultimate reward. Bring me back to reality, God. Give me an undivided heart. (Back To Reality Quotes)
Reality denied comes back to haunt (Back To Reality Quotes)
Never turn your back on reality. It surrounds you. (Back To Reality Quotes)
I found I was having continually to please the sort of people I’d always hated when I was a child. This began to bring me back to reality. (Back To Reality Quotes)
The hard reality is that the omelette has been made and you cannot get your egg back (Back To Reality Quotes)
There’s only so long you can live in a fantasy world before the reality comes along to sharply put you back in your place. (Back To Reality Quotes)
It was good to get a few days off after the number of games we had. Now it’s back to reality. (Back To Reality Quotes)
After the stretch of weather we’ve had, this is going to be a culture shock for some people. We always end up crashing back to reality. (Back To Reality Quotes)
Reality show? You can’t find anything better than boxing because of the trials and errors, the ups and downs, the struggle when you get knocked down to get back up. Use it symbolically and interchangeably for life. (Back To Reality Quotes)
Work to live up to your dreams and fantasies; to hell with them who ask you to come back to reality. (Back To Reality Quotes)
Everything ends eventually. I guess that’s what makes summer so intense, this feeling that it lasts for only a a short while and then it’s back to reality. (Back To Reality Quotes)
I knew it wasn’t good when it happened. It’s definitely scary. Every now and then, something brings you back to reality. (Back To Reality Quotes)
Well then, music take me on that wonderful journey of my lost memories, and never take me back to reality. (Back To Reality Quotes)
I just always want to be different - THE EXCEPTION - and this weekend knocked me right back to reality.And the reality is - I AM TRULY BLESSED (Back To Reality Quotes)
I had a normal upbringing and went to public school. If I ever, even for a second, started getting a big head, I was brought back to reality pretty quickly. I was working full time and still had to fight for a cell phone. (Back To Reality Quotes)
I’ve gone from being a brilliant captain of a TV soccer team to an average rugby player on a real team. I’ve gotten so used to ruling the roost and just saying whatever the hell I wanted, and I had to get back to reality. (Back To Reality Quotes)
In the middle of a play, I go crazy and don’t realize what I’m doing. I’ll snap back to reality and I realize, ‘Hey, I just ripped that boy’s helmet off,’ or, ‘I’m over here twisting this guy’s knee. (Back To Reality Quotes)
When you act, you’re being asked to pretend in a very rigid, controlled environment. It’s very un-childlike. So a lot of times, when you put kids in that situation, you hope they have a better support system outside of what they’re doing to bring them back to reality at the end of the day and to keep them well-rounded. (Back To Reality Quotes)
In reality, Afghanistan has functioned as a nation-state for more than two centuries, and its army and bureaucracy reach back to the 19th century. (Back To Reality Quotes)
To pine for the days before public education became a practical reality is to pine for an America held back by mass ignorance and mass illiteracy. (Back To Reality Quotes)
Whenever I feel like I’m getting too far away from where I need to be, I think about my sons and the legacy I have to leave for them - and it always brings me back to reality. (Back To Reality Quotes)
You watch these reality shows and say, ‘Oh, I would do that, except for eating all the gross stuff.’ These reality shows are like everyone’s little guilty pleasure. To have an opportunity to be on one, why not? Anybody who says, ‘No, I don’t want to be on one’ is kind of lying in the back of their heads. (Back To Reality Quotes)
The reality is I’m not a ‘get knocked down and come back harder’ kind of guy (Back To Reality Quotes)
I believe in facing reality. But only because I don’t like turning my back on it. (Back To Reality Quotes)
I never miss reality when I’m not in it, but it’s sometimes nice to come back to (Back To Reality Quotes)
I think literature is somehow both a fantasy and a reality we should all get back to (Back To Reality Quotes)
It’s too late by the way, with virtual reality. You can’t put the genie back into the bottle. (Back To Reality Quotes)
The reality is this city will not be the same for a while, ... We’re not saying bring New Orleans back today. (Back To Reality Quotes)