Back When Quotes

Text Quotes
I was crazy back when being crazy really meant something (Back When Quotes)
I remember way back when I was young, 10 years ago (Back When Quotes)
Long time ago when we were fab, back when income tax was all we had (Back When Quotes)
You only think of the best comeback when you leave (Back When Quotes)
Do not turn back when you are just at the goal (Back When Quotes)
Sometimes its good to come back when you least expect to (Back When Quotes)
I fell in love with the art of acting back when I was 10 years old, actually (Back When Quotes)
Great person doesn’t fight back when he was hurt. He avenge pain with smile and forgiveness (Back When Quotes)
I can remember way back when a liberal was one who was generous with his own money (Back When Quotes)
They always come back when they learn that not every woman’s gonna treat them this good (Back When Quotes)
If you don’t give something back when you get, you don’t keep (Back When Quotes)
Leave the past where it belongs. Don't look back when you know you shouldn't (Back When Quotes)
I can remember way back when a liberal was one who was generous with his money (Back When Quotes)
Jobs will come back when the economy recovers, but they will never be the same (Back When Quotes)
Come back when you grow up girl, you’re still living in a paper doll world (Back When Quotes)
The end of a gun looks very big and very back when it’s staring you in the face (Back When Quotes)
They had to offer feedback when needed but also had to be willing to stand back and give us room (Back When Quotes)
I call it like I see it. I don’t hold back when it comes to being candid on the hot issues (Back When Quotes)
Women must not shout back when their husbands come home and shout at them for any reason (Back When Quotes)
I like other people’s kids and being able to give them back when I want to (Back When Quotes)
When I was broke, no one ever offered to buy me a beer. Now that I have quite a bit of money, everybody tries to buy me beers. Where were all these people back when I was in college and broke? (Back When Quotes)
I’ve actually had a melody on my guitar since the day I learned how to play it, back when I was 7. And for some reason I can’t add lyrics to it (Back When Quotes)
It’s funny, I listen to friends who talk about back when they were 14, eight, 16, whatever, as if it was yesterday. Me, I’ve no idea what I did. It’s all a blur, I’m afraid (Back When Quotes)
It’s really not as bad as it sounds. I was attacked by a shark once, back when I was alive. Well, not so much a shark as a rather large fish. And not so much attacked as looked at menacingly. But it had murder in its eyes, that fish. I knew, in that instant, if our roles had been reversed and the fish had been holding the fishing pole and I had been the one to be caught, it wouldn’t hesitate a moment before eating me. So I cooked it and ate before it had a chance to turn the tables (Back When Quotes)
Everyone wanted to believe that endless love was possible. She’d believed in it once too, back when she was eighteen. But she knew that love was messy, just like life. It took turns that people couldn’t foresee or even understand, leaving a long trail of regret in its wake. And almost always, those regrets led to the kinds of what if questions that could never be answered (Back When Quotes)
... prodigal summer, the season of extravagant procreation. It could wear out everything in its path with its passionate excesses, but nothing alive with wings or a heart or a seed curled into itself in the ground could resist welcoming it back when it came (Back When Quotes)
You can only really open yourself up so far to someone that you don’t truly love you keep something back when you know somewhere in your gut that this relationship is going to be forever (Back When Quotes)
Cleverness is a burden after that. You are supposed to settle down and be a good person, raise your children, and be good to your friends, which you may not have been back when you were clever (Back When Quotes)
I want my brain to slide back into the slot it was meant to be in, rest there the way it did before the fall of last year, back when I was young, witty, and my teachers said I had incredible promise (Back When Quotes)
He was right – she was beating herself up about hurting his feelings. The girl was a classic martyr. She’d totally been born in the wrong century. She should have lived back when she could have gotten herself fed to some lions for a good cause (Back When Quotes)