Background Quotes

Text Quotes
I was really nervous working with actors, since I come from a photography background (Background Quotes)
My background is in psychology and I’m also a stage actor. That’s my background. (Background Quotes)
What’s genius about ‘Gravity’ is that you are close upon the actors, but 3D works best when you have foreground, middle ground and background. (Background Quotes)
Thankfully, I have a background as an actor, and you learn how to live in that world of not knowing what’s going to happen next. (Background Quotes)
Dancers have always been a kind of background image, we’ve always danced behind an artist or we’ve danced in a movie behind the actors. We’ve always been very secondary. (Background Quotes)
My background is in musical comedy. I didn’t know I was going to be an actor. But all my points of reference have to do with musical comedy and in being kind of a showoff. (Background Quotes)
I’d like to be the next Oprah financially, but I’m not a TV actor. I’m not someone with an entertainment background, I’m a cop. And I’m not afraid to go anywhere and get down and dirty. (Background Quotes)
I don’t come from a comedy background or a stand-up background, but I think that sometimes there’s a misconception that an actor who works primarily in comedy is a comedian. There’s nothing wrong with being a comedian, but I’m absolutely not that. I can’t think of anything more terrifying than doing stand-up! (Background Quotes)
With actors, normally I don’t like to have any conversation about background and about motivations and all this. (Background Quotes)
I haven’t pursued it as a senator because I know it’s like spitting in the wind. But I still believe it’s the right thing. And if I were governor and a bill came to my desk that provided for background checks at gun shows, I would sign that. (Background Quotes)
Ninety percent of people support background checks. Which means even people who can’t pass a background check support background checks. (Background Quotes)
We think it’s reasonable to provide mandatory, instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone. (Background Quotes)
I want to protect our constitutional right to bear arms in a legal and thoughtful way with background checks that also don’t want people to get shot and murdered, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t own a gun. (Background Quotes)
Do not tell me that I have not shown courage in standing up to the gun people, in voting to ban assault weapons, voting for instant background checks, voting to end the gun show loophole and now in a position to create a consensus in America on gun safety. (Background Quotes)
One of the most troubling aspects of the Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight Bill was that it gave President [Barack] Obama blanket authority to admit refugees, including Syrian refugees without mandating any background checks whatsoever. Now we’ve seen what happened in San Bernardino. When you are letting people in, when the FBI can’t vet them, it puts American citizens at risk. (Background Quotes)
Most Americans think there’s already universal background checks. They don’t understand why there wouldn’t be a background check to purchase a weapon. (Background Quotes)
If I were governor, and a bill came to my desk that provided for background checks at gun shows, I would sign that. (Background Quotes)
Expanding background checks will help create a uniform standard for all gun purchases and prevent criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from obtaining powerful weapons. (Background Quotes)
From Texas to New Hampshire and everywhere in between, we know that support for policies such as expanded background checks continue to be popular in both parties. (Background Quotes)
There are corporate private investigators, companies doing very forensic background checks on people. They buy data, they get their own data... They don’t want their industry publicised. (Background Quotes)
So many deaths could be prevented if measures were implemented to expand background checks and keep individuals like John Hinckley from ever buying firearms in the first place. (Background Quotes)
All of our TaskRabbits go through a vetting process, which includes an online application, a video interview, a series of background checks, and then an online quiz that they have to pass before they’re activated on the site. (Background Quotes)
When President Obama first unveiled his gun control proposals recommending a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and better background checks, there seemed to be momentum behind the effort. But then the proposals ran into a wall. (Background Quotes)
Ronald Reagan was long thought to be the most conservative of Republicans. And by any standard today he is the most popular Republican in modern history. Yet he raised taxes 11 times, supported a ban on assault rifles and the Brady Bill, which mandated background checks, and established amnesty for 3 million undocumented workers. (Background Quotes)
The information hack contains facts discovered by the FBI in doing background checks for people seeking positions with the federal government. It’s a treasure trove which can easily be used for blackmail and other reasons by the enemy. (Background Quotes)
We are going to trace more effectively, how these guns are ending up on the streets, to unscrupulous gun dealers, who often times are selling to straw purchasers. And cracking down on the various loopholes that exist in terms of background checks for children, the mentally ill. (Background Quotes)
Two million felons have tried to buy a gun and, because of the background check, have been denied (Background Quotes)
Most Americans believe that with freedom comes responsibility - and that one measure of responsible gun ownership is a background check. There must be an app for that. (Background Quotes)
You can’t really escape the fact that more reasonable gun regulations and procedures need to be in place, a strengthening and tightening of the national background check system. I don’t know why any civilian would ever be able to purchase an assault weapon or the parts that go with it. (Background Quotes)
I come from an African Caribbean background. I’ve been influenced by a reggae church music style, contemporary gospel, and rock all fused together. (Background Quotes)