Bad Boyfriend Quotes
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Text Quotes
Guys are like bra's, they hookup behind your back (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
If another woman steals your man there's no better revenge than to let her have him (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
I hope she makes you cry (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Ex boyfriend. Y U no stop stalking me (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
That feeling when you know he's lying to you (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
I had a dream that you cheated on me. Apologize (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Ladies, if you think your man is cheating... take him to that bitch’s front door and see if his wifi connects (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
How about no! You crazy clingy ex boyfriend (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
I got 99 problems. And you’re 98 of them (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Hope she was worth it (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Cheating on a good woman is like choosing trash over treasure (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Behind every untrusting girl is a boy who made her that way (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Just a note to all guys out there, It's not cute to be a controlling boyfriend (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
I am one bad relationship away from having 30 cats (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
A lot of people are in a relationship with a single person (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
When I'm not near the girl I love, I love the girl I'm near (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Being in no relationship is better than being in a wrong one (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
I do not pick the wrong guys. They pick me (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Deep down you already know the truth (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
I’m single if you’re single (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
It took you 10 minutes to get home. Google maps says it takes 8. Who is she? (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
You don't like me? But your boyfriend does (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Boyfriend says “Excuse Me” to girl in club. “How is she??” (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Never let your new love pay for the troubles your ex put you through (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
I'd rather be happy and alone than with you and miserable (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Being single is better than being in a bad relationship (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
A bad boyfriend is someone you give everything to - you live with him, cook for him, sleep with him - thinking he is going to marry you and then he doesn’t. When you are giving your all to a job and not getting credit, your job is a bad boyfriend (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
Firelight’ is a beautiful story about a lot of young women. My character, Caroline, is a girl who has a bad boyfriend, and he ends up getting her locked up and incarcerated. (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
It likes it when you don’t depend on it. It will reward you every time you don’t act needy. It will chase you if you act like other things (passion, friendship, family, longevity) are more important to you. If your career is a bad boyfriend, it is healthy to remember you can always leave and go sleep with somebody else (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
I’m a bad boyfriend. She’s a bad girlfriend. We deserve each other. (Bad Boyfriend Quotes)
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