Badly Quotes

Text Quotes
If you want to touch the other shore badly enough, barring an impossible situation, you will. If your desire is diluted for any reason, you’ll never make it (Badly Quotes)
A good golf course makes you want to play so badly that you hardly have the time to change your shoes (Badly Quotes)
It’s much harder to give up on family.Deep down you want it to work so badly that you keep making the same mistake (Badly Quotes)
I think what has happened to our basketball team, we’ve been badly distracted. They’re not reading too many positive things in the paper (Badly Quotes)
Female ambition is such a complicated thing to play because it is an aggressive quality, and people respond very badly to women exhibiting any kind of aggression (Badly Quotes)
Even if you want something so badly, without talent, you can’t even get the opportunity. You remain as the chorus for the rest of your life (Badly Quotes)
I’ve played hockey most my life and I’ve never been badly injured... Three weeks into curling I’ve got bone chips in both my elbows. I still can’t lean on a table. I’ve even got curling injuries, believe it or not, just from falling on my arse (Badly Quotes)
We have seen too much defeatism, too much pessimism, too much of a negative approach. The answer is simple: if you want something very badly, you can achieve it. It may take patience, very hard work, a real struggle, and a long time; but it can be done. That much faith is a prerequisite of any undertaking (Badly Quotes)
Until now the theory of infinite series in general has been very badly grounded. One applies all the operations to infinite series as if they were finite; but is that permissible? I think not. Where is it demonstrated that one obtains the differential of an infinite series by taking the differential of each term? Nothing is easier than to give instances where this is not so (Badly Quotes)
There were times when deep down inside I wanted to win so badly I could actually will it to happen. I think most of my career has been based on desire (Badly Quotes)
When I write a page that reads badly I know that it is myself who has written it. When it reads well it has come through from somewhere else (Badly Quotes)
The problem is not what we are doing badly, it is because we are not doing things well (Badly Quotes)
Having a financial adviser enables the investor to carry a psychological call option. If the investment decision turns out well, the investor takes the credit, and if it turns out badly, the regret can be lowered by blaming the adviser (Badly Quotes)
Doing a job badly and then getting someone in to sort it out can be much more expensive than getting someone in to do the job properly in the first place (Badly Quotes)
Whatever obstacles you face, remember you can get through anything if you want to badly enough (Badly Quotes)
The only thing worse than a loser is someone who won’t admit he played badly (Badly Quotes)
Sometimes, when you want to be in a place so badly, you’ll do anything (Badly Quotes)
When you’re bullied in high school, even if it’s the smallest amount, or you’re actually tortured, I feel like everybody carries that with them. They always think of that one person who treated them badly in high school (Badly Quotes)
Americans were convinced in their own minds that they were very miserable, and those who think so are so. There is nothing so easy as to persuade people that they are badly governed. Take happy and comfortable people and talk to them with the art of the evil one, and they can soon be made discontented with their government, their rulers, with everything around them, and even with themselves (Badly Quotes)
Let’s start with this statistic: You are delicious. Be brave, my sweet. I know you can get lonely. I know you can crave companionship and sex and love so badly that it physically hurts. But I truly believe that the only way you can find out that there’s something better out there is to first believe there’s something better out there. What other choice is there? (Badly Quotes)
I saw my role as prime minister’s wife as being human towards other humans and not treating them badly (Badly Quotes)
We need to learn to love the flawed, imperfect things that we create, and to forgive ourselves for creating them. Regret doesen’t remind us what we did badly, it reminds us what we know we could do better (Badly Quotes)
Regret doesn’t remind us that we did badly, it reminds us that we know that we could do better (Badly Quotes)
It is the greatest shot of adrenaline to be doing what you have wanted to do so badly. You almost feel like you could fly without the plane (Badly Quotes)
We are nothing: imitations, copies, phantoms: repeaters of what we understand badly, that is, hardly at all: the animated fossils of a prehistory that have lived neither here nor there, consequently anywhere, for we are aboriginal foreigners, transplanted from birth in our respective countries of origin (Badly Quotes)
Here is an old tradition badly in need of return: You have to earn your way into politics. You should go have a life, build a string of accomplishments, then enter public service (Badly Quotes)
Few males achieve any real freedom in their sexual relations even with their wives. Few males realise how badly inhibited they are on these matters (Badly Quotes)
The technology we need most badly is the technology of community, the knowledge about how to cooperate to get things done (Badly Quotes)
Remember that you are more likely to die because you execute badly than get crushed by a competitor (Badly Quotes)
The enemy is not the badly written page; it is the empty page the great advantage of a badly written page is that it can be rewritten. It can be improved. A blank page is zero. In fact, it’s worse than zero, because it represents territory you’re afraid, unwilling, or too lazy to explore. Avoid exploring this territory long enough, and you’ll abandon your book (Badly Quotes)