Bag Quotes

Text Quotes
The schizophrenic in the sleeping bag with a live chicken and a can of tomato soup spilling onto the sidewalk had no right to steal my street performance. (Bag Quotes)
Everyone knows I drink a lot of Diet Coke, so...I drink chocolate milk after races as my recovery drink, and you won’t ever find me without a peanut butter sandwich in my bag at races or without a jar of peanut butter when I am heading to Europe. (Bag Quotes)
An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman were invited to a Christmas party. The Englishman brought a bag of tinsel, the Scotsman brought a bag of holly and they asked the Irishman: What have you brought? He said: I brought a pair of knickers. They asked: What has that got to do with Christmas? He said They’re Carol’s. (Bag Quotes)
That’s the beauty of the acting world. You can play so many different characters who know and do so many things that you have no idea about as yourself. So I’m a big fan of workshops and classes and learning new things because you can always apply it. It’s your little supply bag of creativity. Keep filling it up. (Bag Quotes)
In my hand luggage I always have my camera, iPod, make-up bag, tooth brush, cleansing products, clean underwear, socks and a change of clothes in case anything goes missing at the other end - and of course my passport. (Bag Quotes)
I’ve always loved when girls carry their wallets as a clutch instead of a bag (Bag Quotes)
I’ve never told anyone this before, but I’m an obsessive-compulsive. I go back to my hotel room every evening and put the coat hangers back in order and open my bag and rearrange it. It takes a lot of my time, but if I don’t do it I can’t sleep. (Bag Quotes)
A well-conceived product excels at what it does. It’s close to being functionally flawless - like a Ziploc bag, a radio from Tivoli Audio, a Philips Sonicare toothbrush, a Nespresso coffee maker or Google’s home page. (Bag Quotes)
I’m not a computer person at all. I only know how to turn them on. I’m not a programmer. I couldn’t program my way out of a paper bag. (Bag Quotes)
When I was a kid, I would come home from school, throw my bag, go out to play. My daughter comes home from school, throws her bag, goes to play, but sitting in front of the computer because their definition of play has changed. They don’t go out to play. They play on the computer with their friends. (Bag Quotes)
I am not that attached to material things. And the good thing is I can make choices. I have very few possessions. Luckily, as a man you don’t need much... a few papers, a couple of books, and a few shirts, jackets, sweaters. It fits in a little thing, in a paper bag, so it’s very easy. (Bag Quotes)
When I’m not working, I would kill to have some sort of creative outlet other than, say, a coloring book. And when I’m working, I want to do all those things I was griping about - you know, make a turkey-and-cheese sandwich, put it in a zip-top bag, and stick it in a lunch box right now! (Bag Quotes)
I once had a crush on one of my teachers. I wrote him a love letter and stuck it in a bag in his office. I didn’t write my name on it, but I’m sure he figured out it was me. (Bag Quotes)
Dressing a baby is like putting an octopus into a string bag, making sure none of the arms hang out. (Bag Quotes)
Romance blossomed over a carrier bag full of mackerel. It wasn’t exactly how I imagined it would happen; there were no sunsets, or butterflies, or birdsong, just some smelly dead fish and a slimy carrier bag. (Bag Quotes)
If you try all different styles that are in vogue, I think you con yourself. Me, I just stick by my guns; I don’t want to play out of another man’s bag. (Bag Quotes)
Clubs are taking away the steal of home. Not only are more pitchers throwing out of the stretch position, but more third basemen are playing closer to the bag. But another reason why nobody does it much anymore is that some guys, no matter how fast they are, just aren’t comfortable trying to steal home. (Bag Quotes)
Dog owners are out in all kinds of weather. They tell you it’s small payment for the love their dogs bear them. Some love. If that dog weren’t on a leash, he’d be off after another dog, a cat, or any stranger walking along the street with a wet bag of meat. (Bag Quotes)
Life throws up enough road blocks to keep you from writing; you can’t be adding to them yourself by saying you can only write in one specific place. I’m in New York half the time and Texas half the time, and I work wherever - in my computer bag I have some foam ear plugs that I can put in. (Bag Quotes)
Sunsets are great. Sunrises are a mixed bag. You either got up way too early or went to bed way too late. (Bag Quotes)
Technically, I have not changed very much. Ask my assistants. They’ll tell you, I am the easiest photographer to work with. I don’t have heavy equipment. I work out of one bag. (Bag Quotes)
[Giving welfare to poor people] is the equivalent of the government sending [fat people] a jumbo bag of Bugles in the mail twice a month. (Bag Quotes)
Copy my favorite moves and my Tour-proven setup positions, and you’ll start catching it on the sweet spot every time, with every club in your bag. (Bag Quotes)
That was the - It was an exciting time because it was as though I was sort of tied up in a paper bag or in a gunny sack with a rope around the neck of it, and all of a sudden with the acceptance of that first book everything sort of spilled out! (Bag Quotes)
It’s like whoever sits up ther in Heaven had this big bag of really crappy stuff, and once or twice a day she or he reaches in and sprinkles a little bit of it over the world and it makes everything go crazy, like fairy dust that’s past its expiration date. (Bag Quotes)
I don’t want to leave people thinking they’ve merely seen another actor using his same bag of tricks and fake charm. (Bag Quotes)
I’ve loved men that wear un-ironed clothes, it doesn’t make me fall out of love. When you love someone, you should see beyond their image. It just makes me want to iron their shirt. But once you love a person, they could wear a garbage bag! (Bag Quotes)
My arms flew up of thier own accord knoking my bag down. I grabbed hold of the desk to keep myself from falling down. (Bag Quotes)
My husband’s family is military. Preparation is just, from that family perspective, it’s just a part of what makes sense to do. You buy insurance for your house; you have a go bag. (Bag Quotes)
Whether it’s a canvas tote or Givenchy, a day bag you love is essential. It doesn’t have to be a fashion It bag of the season, either. (Bag Quotes)