Bag Quotes

Text Quotes
I see every thing I paint in this world, but everybody does not see alike. To the eyes of a miser a guinea is more beautiful than the sun, and a bag worn with the use of money has more beautiful proportions than a vine filled with grapes (Bag Quotes)
To the eyes of a miser a guinea is more beautiful than the sun, and a bag worn with the use of money has more beautiful proportions than a vine filled with grapes (Bag Quotes)
We are students of words: we are shut up in schools, and colleges, and recitation-rooms, for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing (Bag Quotes)
God has matured. He is not the impulsive, bowelless being of the Testaments - the vehement glory monger, with His bag of cheap carny tricks and his booming voice - the fiery huckster with his burning bushes and his wonder wands. Nowadays God knows what He wants and He knows who He wants (Bag Quotes)
I don't understand why people whose entire lives or their corporate success depends on communication, and yet they are led on occasion by CEOs who cannot talk their way out of a paper bag and don't care to (Bag Quotes)
Sorry in advance for egging your home if you put anything remotely healthy in my trick or treat bag (Bag Quotes)
You don't have to carry a designer bag that costs more than a car to look cool (Bag Quotes)
Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel (Bag Quotes)
You see my adjutant made rather a silly mistake. He hadn't had much truck with boots before and the silly fellow thought they were extra rations. My men ate the whole bag of tricks last night (Bag Quotes)
The budget is a mythical bean bag. Congress votes mythical beans into it, and then tries to reach in and pull real beans out (Bag Quotes)
I remember taking my entire wardrobe with me on that trip. It consisted of one shirt on a wire hanger, and one pair of underpants in a carrier bag (Bag Quotes)
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting throught the wind wanting to start again do you ever feel, feel so paper thin like a house of cards one blow from caving in (Bag Quotes)
My heart's in my hand, and my hand is pierced, and my hand's in the bag, and the bag is shut, and my heart is caught (Bag Quotes)
The burlap bag of worry. Cumbersome. Chunky. Unattractive. Scratchy. Hard to get a handle on. Irritating to carry and impossible to give away. No one wants your worries (Bag Quotes)
A bean bag is a perfect place to sulk. You can sink way down deep, and sulk for hours... You only have to stick your head up once in a while... to see if anybody cares (Bag Quotes)
Someone had collected shards of bone and brain pudding and sealed them in a Ziploc bag. The plastic sack lay in the man's lap, as though he'd been put in charge of watching over his own brain (Bag Quotes)
It's still easier to find the correct Hoover bag than to find one pure person, one pure faith, on the globe (Bag Quotes)
Radio is a bag of mediocrity where little men with carbon minds wallow in sluice of their own making (Bag Quotes)
Some people are drawn naturally - there are natural guitarists, and there are natural piano players, and I think guitar implies travel, a sort of footloose gypsy existence. You grab your bag and you go to the next town (Bag Quotes)
Every man has a bag hanging before him, in which he puts his neighbour's faults, and another behind him in which he stows his own (Bag Quotes)
Take, if you must, this little bag of dreams, unloose the cord, and they will wrap you round (Bag Quotes)
Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag (Bag Quotes)
All the characters in my films are fighting these problems, needing freedom, trying to find a way to cut themselves loose, but failing to rid themselves of conscience, a sense of sin, the whole bag of tricks (Bag Quotes)
If Helen of Troy could have been seen eating peppermints out of a paper bag, it is highly probable that her admirers would have been an entirely different class. It is the thing you are found doing while the horde looks on that you shall be loved for - or ignored (Bag Quotes)
Getting married is like putting one’s hand in a bag containing 99 serpents and one eel (Bag Quotes)
Hefty? I’d railed to Peter, waving the clipping for emphasis. Hefty? For the record ‘Hefty’ is a trash bag. I’m festively plump (Bag Quotes)
A check or credit card, a Gucci bag strap, anything of value will do. Give as you live (Bag Quotes)
I’m thinking balls are to men, what purses are to women. It’s just a little bag but we’d feel naked in public without it (Bag Quotes)
The base paths belonged to me, the runner. The rules gave me the right. I always went into a bag full speed, feet first. I had sharp spikes on my shoes. If the baseman stood where he had no business to be and got hurt, that was his fault (Bag Quotes)
Golf is a thinking man’s game. You can have all the shots in the bag, but if you don’t know what to do with them, you’ve got troubles (Bag Quotes)