Bag Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s not what you spend but how you wear it that counts. The key is often to dress up inexpensive basics with accessories. Something like a beautiful designer bag or belt can make everything else look richer and more luxurious (Bag Quotes)
I’m the guy who will eat something that looks nice when I’m out, but when I take it home in a doggie bag, it’ll sit in the back of my refrigerator until it starts to move (Bag Quotes)
I’m someone who believes the only way to see a movie is in a big theater, on a big screen, with a big bag of popcorn (Bag Quotes)
After working for 18 years, all of a sudden I became successful on a level where other people knew it. It’s not a cat you can put back in the bag (Bag Quotes)
Actually, because of new technologies, my full studio is on my laptop. And I have a little keyboard in my bag. I can make everything I do come from my laptop. Even when I go to a big studio, all I do is to plug in my laptops. That’s they way I do it (Bag Quotes)
I had done a fair bit of traveling during the holidays in my school days with my guitar and discovered that I could live on it. Admittedly, I traveled with a sleeping bag but I could always find somewhere to lay my head (Bag Quotes)
Jews have had to carry around their own sense of self in a carpet bag and I think perhaps too much emphasis might be being put on nationality and on the other hand patriotism, that sort of thing (Bag Quotes)
To be the best, you need to spend hours and hours and hours running, hitting the speed bag, lifting weights and focusing on training (Bag Quotes)
Technically, I have not changed very much. Ask my assistants. They’ll tell you, I am the easiest photographer to work with. I don’t have heavy equipment. I work out of one bag (Bag Quotes)
Give a beggar a dime and he’ll bless you. Give him a dollar and he’ll curse you for withholding the rest of your fortune. Poverty is a bag with a hole at the bottom (Bag Quotes)
There used to be an old thing where every team had a heavy bag in their locker room for people to punch, but again, it was more about conditioning because if you hit a heavy bag for a minute, it feels like your arms are about to fall off (Bag Quotes)
Then I went through a whole bunch of crap with my lousy movies and pop records. I had people behind me kind of steering me in that direction, but it wasn’t really my bag (Bag Quotes)
When you cook it should be an act of love. To put a frozen bag in the microwave for your child is an act of hate (Bag Quotes)
I will not permit thirty men to travel four hundred miles to agitate a bag of wind (Bag Quotes)
I say to myself that I mustn’t let myself be cut off in there, and yet the moment I enter my bag is taken out of my hand, I’m pushed in, shepherded, nursed and above all cut off, alone. Whitehall envelops me (Bag Quotes)
How often might a man, after he had jumbled a set of letters in a bag, fling them out upon the ground before they would fall into an exact poem, yea, or so much as make a good discourse in prose? And may not a little book be as easily made by chance as this great volume of the world? (Bag Quotes)
When a man but half forgives his enemy, it is like leaving a bag of rusty nails to interpose between them (Bag Quotes)
In baseball, democracy shines its clearest. The only race that matters is the race to the bag. The creed is the rule book. And color, merely something to distinguish one team’s uniform from another’s (Bag Quotes)
Money doesn’t buy elegance. You can take an inexpensive sheath, add a pretty scarf, gray shoes, and a wonderful bag, and it will always be elegant (Bag Quotes)
Matching your hat to your shoe to your bag, or your necklace to your earrings, has a tendency to look dated. Mixing up your accessories adds interest to an outfit, and can make you look much more modern and polished (Bag Quotes)
Music always hits me when I’m driving so I keep a recorder in my bag (Bag Quotes)
If only shame were a reliable engine for behavior modification. All it does is make me feel bad, which inspires me to bust open a bag of cheese popcorn, which then makes me feel crappy about my weight (Bag Quotes)
Writing is like hunting. There are brutally cold afternoons with nothing in sight, only the wind and your breaking heart. Then the moment when you bag something big. The entire process is beyond intoxicating (Bag Quotes)
Courage cannot be left like bones in a bag. It must be brought out and shown the light again and again, growing stronger each time. If you think it will keep for the times you need it, you are wrong. It is like any other part of your strength. If you ignore it, the bag will be empty when you need it most (Bag Quotes)
And even this heart of mine has something artificial. The dancers have sewn it into a bag of pink satin, pink satin slightly faded, like their dancing shoes (Bag Quotes)
Sometimes it seems to stand still. Like you’re in a bag and you can’t get out and somebody’s always telling you that it will get better with time and time just seems to stand still and laugh at you and your pain (Bag Quotes)
That day I think we really saw each other for the first time. I mean, saw beyond the bag of bones on the outside. You take away her pretty and my plain and what you get underneath is about the same: a couple of lost girls looking to be found (Bag Quotes)
In contravention of my belief that any life ending in death is essentially pointless, I needed my friends to open up that plastic bag and take one last look at me. Someone had to remember me, if only for a few more minutes in the vast silent waiting room of time (Bag Quotes)
My mother tried to kill me when I was a baby. She denied it. She said she thought the plastic bag would keep me fresh (Bag Quotes)
The only thing you should force in a golf swing is the club back in the bag (Bag Quotes)