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Bagging Quotes

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I started working when I was 13, picking up trash, bagging ice  (Bagging Quotes) You’re sacking them, you’re bagging them. And that’s what you’re doing with a quarterback  (Bagging Quotes) You take all the offensive linemen and put them in a burlap bag, and then you take a baseball bat and beat on the bag. You’re sacking them. You’re bagging them. And that’s what you’re doing with a quarterback  (Bagging Quotes) I’m in the public eye, so I don’t care who knows what I get done. If I see something sagging, dragging, or bagging, I get it sucked, tucked, or plucked  (Bagging Quotes) You take all the offensive linemen and put them in a burlap bag, and then you take a baseball bat and beat on the bag. You’re sacking them. You’re bagging them. And that’s what you’re doing with a quarterback.  (Bagging Quotes) I know what you’re thinking: why is Chris Rock bagging groceries? But I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade, so if I couldn’t tell jokes this is exactly what I’d be doing.  (Bagging Quotes)