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Bahrain Quotes

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Bahrain is very dear to me  (Bahrain Quotes) I was in Iraq, Afghanistan, Djibouti, Bahrain. The first year I went pretty much by myself. Then I went with General [Richard] Myers, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The shows and audiences were amazing. You’ll never get a better group of people  (Bahrain Quotes) I care about Bahrain. Bahrain is very dear to me. I will not allow people to play around with our laws  (Bahrain Quotes) Al Qaeda’s message that violence, terrorism and extremism are the only answer for Arabs seeking dignity and hope is being rejected each day in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and throughout the Arab lands.  (Bahrain Quotes) We invite American companies looking to raise capital to list on the Bahrain Stock Exchange. The region has a liquidity oversupply approximating $1 trillion and this pool of capital can be tapped into by creative American companies. The next Facebook may very well get funded on the BSE.  (Bahrain Quotes) The U.S. relationship with Bahrain is obviously more complicated than with Syria and Iran.  (Bahrain Quotes) Bahrain lies at the epicenter of Gulf security and any violent upheaval in Bahrain would have enormous geopolitical consequences. Global economic stability depends on the uninterrupted export of crude oil from the Gulf to markets around the world - a job that historically has been assigned to the U.S. Fifth Fleet.  (Bahrain Quotes) In a sense there is no ‘opposition’ in Bahrain, as the phrase implies one unified block with the same views. Such a phrase is not in our constitution, unlike say the United Kingdom. We only have people with different views and that’s ok.  (Bahrain Quotes) The Bahraini people are eager to obtain facts to enable them to shape a comprehensive national opinion without division among its people. We confirm to all journalists and media personnel in the kingdom of Bahrain that their freedom is preserved and their rights are safeguarded.  (Bahrain Quotes)