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A contingent bailout policy - implicit or explicit - must be coupled with some regulation of what banks can and cannot do. For example, a ban on lending to uncreditworthy customers might well make sense. (Bailout Quotes)
The bailout of Fannie Mae is completely off the books. It’s going to cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. Yet nobody is placing this in any type of column in accounting for federal debt. (Bailout Quotes)
State constitutions typically provide that the state first has to service its debt, then make it pension payments, and then pay for services. What we don’t know is whether that order will be enforced. And ultimately, the busted state is going to be looking to the federal government for a bailout. Think Greece, but on a much bigger scale. (Bailout Quotes)
We’re calling for that bailout for young people in order to jumpstart the economy of our future. (Bailout Quotes)
Our bailout of Detroit will be remembered as the equivalent of pouring billions of taxpayers’ money into the mail-order catalogue business on the eve of the birth of eBay. (Bailout Quotes)
The Tea Party grew out of indignation over the Wall Street bailout - an indignation shared by the vast majority of Americans. But the Tea Party ended up directing its ire at government rather than at big business and Wall Street. (Bailout Quotes)
Some taxpayers may object to a print journalism bailout on the grounds that it mostly benefits the liberal elite. And we can’t blame taxpayers for being reluctant to subsidize the reportorial careers of J-school twerps who should have joined the Peace Corps and gone to Africa to ‘speak truth to power’ to Robert Mugabe. (Bailout Quotes)
In truth, it’s not the shareholders of the American International Group who benefited most from its bailout; they were mostly wiped out. The great beneficiaries have been the creditors and counterparties at the other end of A.I.G.’s derivatives deals - firms like Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale, Barclays and UBS. (Bailout Quotes)
In 2008, when Lehman Brothers collapsed, we anticipated that Europe was going to have a very different bailout scheme than the U.S. because of their different political systems and different relationships between the central banks and the fiscal authorities. (Bailout Quotes)
Let's remember one thing, folks, while we go forward. Not one Republican voted for this bailout. Remember way back in the fall, not one Republican voted for the TARP bailout, and this was why (Bailout Quotes)
The Great Bailout is mostly over for the banks. But for those troubled behemoths of the nation’s housing bust, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the lifeline from Washington just keeps getting longer. (Bailout Quotes)
I won’t dispute that bankers’ privileged treatment in the 2008 crash merits populist scorn. But unfortunately, without a bank bailout, there probably would have been a worldwide depression. (Bailout Quotes)
Most of us are aware of the sacrificial slaughter of Bear Sterns. Some people call it a bailout, but I call it a handout - a government handout to some of the richest people on Earth, paid for by American taxpayers. (Bailout Quotes)
Punishing enemies and rewarding friends - politics Chicago style - seems to be the unifying principle that helps explain the Obamacare waivers, the NLRB action against Boeing and IRS’s gift tax assault on 501(c)(4) donors. They look like examples of crony capitalism, bailout favoritism and gangster government. One thing they don’t look like is the rule of law (Bailout Quotes)
We never intend to lose our jobs, break up with our live-in loves, or face any number of the curveballs life throws our way. But they happen all the same, so have a bailout plan just in case. Sounds corny, but I call this the ‘freedom fund’ because it gives you the freedom to get out of a jam without climbing into debt (Bailout Quotes)
The bailout of Fannie Mae is completely off the books. It’s going to cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. Yet nobody is placing this in any type of column in accounting for federal debt (Bailout Quotes)
If your bank took bailout money, take your money out of that bank and put it in a credit union. Credit unions are owned by the people who have their money in the credit union (Bailout Quotes)
Any bailout of a private company is a bad decision by our federal government. Private companies have the right to succeed, but they also should have the right to fail (Bailout Quotes)