Bands Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t get boy bands these days. Thye don’t write their own songs and everything is choreographed from their dance moves to how they have sex with each other after the show. (Bands Quotes)
I’m a professional singer. I have a theory that all actors want to be rock stars, and all rock stars want to be actors. I spent my whole school life forming boy bands. (Bands Quotes)
I love what I do and the music I make and the bands I’ve done, especially Fall Out Boy. I also love what I love, and I don’t care if other people like it. (Bands Quotes)
The underground scene is still a cool way to meet a lot of cool people, see a lot of interesting bands and get a lot of food for thought, but people have to remain curious and get their brain activity food from other places besides punk. (Bands Quotes)
My entire education in music was in reading interviews with bands like Stereolab and finding out about Brazilian music or a Romanian composer. You expose yourself to what people you look up to admire. (Bands Quotes)
All bands eventually break up because of one or more of the four P’s: power, property, prestiege, pussy. (Bands Quotes)
In many ways Bright Eyes is really a studio project. We form bands to tour, but it really is - you know, we take the songs and we figure out how to decorate them and it’s all in the studio; we build the songs that way. (Bands Quotes)
Like most bands we’re a family, family before band. If we broke up tomorrow, we’d still be friends. (Bands Quotes)
I’m like a middle-aged person; when my friends go on about modern bands, I don’t know what they are talking about. I’m into rock n’ roll, like Jimi Hendrix. Not so much because of my parents, who used to play a lot of Nina Simone and older blues, but my brother and sister. (Bands Quotes)
Growing up in San Diego, I can remember going with my brother to see bands like Pennywise and NOFX - good punk bands that were fast and tight. (Bands Quotes)
I think that was going on with bands like The Strokes was that the idea of the band, a real band, was making a comeback. My brother in law is an example- before he was listening to some country music, even some of that awful nu-metal stuff , but there weren’t many options really. (Bands Quotes)
Rock n’ roll as a genre is different from pop and hip hop: it is about bands, and that for me suggests brotherhood, family, friendship and community. (Bands Quotes)
Rock’n’roll as a genre is different from pop and hip hop: it is about bands, and that for me suggests brotherhood, family, friendship and community. (Bands Quotes)
When I was 20, in 1957, and maybe you would say I was old enough to know better, but nevertheless, I was completely nuts about Buddy Holly. And I loved pop bands that had absolutely no intellectual pretensions whatsoever. I loved the Monkees. (Bands Quotes)
The north of the Central African Republic is now a war zone, with rival armed bands burning villages, kidnapping children, robbing travelers and killing people with impunity. (Bands Quotes)
I’m busier than a busy person. People aren’t scared to play this raucous, harsh music over radio speakers, so I think it’s the perfect time to get in with some real serious, heavy bands. (Bands Quotes)
I’m a real music fan, so I listen to all kinds of music all the time. I listen to a lot of what my friends or people I know are listening to. I’m always checking out new bands. (Bands Quotes)
Christian music has taken a turn towards worship music, which has turned into a lot of bands and those types of sounds. That’s great. God is using that stuff and it’s great. (Bands Quotes)
People didn’t know certain things about me, which... I was out of creative writing class in school, Syracuse University; had a B.A. in English and wanted to write the great American novel but I also loved rock and roll. I was in bar bands all through college, playing fraternities and have to know all the songs in the top 10. That kind of thing. (Bands Quotes)
I like all like classic rock bands like The Beatles and The Who and stuff and Led Zeppelin so I kinda dress like that. Kinda retro I guess. Well not retro but, like tight. I don’t know. Like just jeans and shirts. I don’t know. Kinda rock and roll I guess. (Bands Quotes)
Contrary to popular belief, we (millennials) can’t be won back with hipper worship bands, fancy coffee shops, or pastors who wear skinny jeans. (Bands Quotes)
Friends of friends had bands in college or in their early 20s and had a moment where they had some kind of interest from a record label or manager. It’s always interesting how people handle those decisions and those moments. (Bands Quotes)
High school and college were my punk, formative years. I was playing hardcore, learning to be a musician. In bands, you tour, but you’re paid nothing; you’re playing to 50 people in a basement, sleeping in a van, and you love it. (Bands Quotes)
I’ve always loved playing in bands where there’s like three or four people and we’re all throwing out ideas and coming together to make an album. (Bands Quotes)
My husband works in the music industry and he’s always the first to know about great new bands, so I end up seeming really with it because I’ll be listening to an up-and-coming band before everyone else hears about it. (Bands Quotes)
The local music community here was dying for a place to record, so we started doing acoustic, folk and bluegrass and then did rock projects for other bands, as well as for my son Tal and my own work. (Bands Quotes)
Youths write me and tell me that their band will go nowhere because of all the bad bands in the world. I tell them there has always been awful music and that no great band ever wasted any time complaining, they just got it done. Their ropey ranting is just a way to get out of the hard work of making music that will do some lasting damage. (Bands Quotes)
I never went to rock concerts when I was a kid. I didn’t see any rock and roll bands. (Bands Quotes)
I never went to rock concerts when I was a kid. I didn’t see any rock and roll bands. I had posters on my wall. I had Beatles records. (Bands Quotes)
Pink Floyd are one of a handful of bands I’ve listened to a lot and whose concerts I’ve been to. I love the experience. I don’t dance; I just jig up and down like everybody else. (Bands Quotes)