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Bandstand Quotes

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The bandstand is a sacred place  (Bandstand Quotes) I wish we could just stay on the bandstand, it’s so peaceful up here  (Bandstand Quotes) You’ve got to learn your instrument. Then, you practice, practice, practice. And then, when you finally get up there on the bandstand, forget all that and just wail  (Bandstand Quotes) The best practice you can get is on the bandstand, but in between gigs I feel I have to stay in shape  (Bandstand Quotes) The bandstand is an incredible space. It is really a sacred space. One of the things that is really sacred about it is that you have no opportunity to think about the future, or the past  (Bandstand Quotes) Cats on the bandstand, give them each a big hand, anyone who sweats like that must be all right  (Bandstand Quotes) How great musicians demonstrate a mutual respect and trust on the bandstand can alter your outlook on the world and enrich every aspect of your life, understanding what it means to be a global citizen in the most modern sense  (Bandstand Quotes) This is our bandstand. If you don’t want to play, get up off the instrument and leave  (Bandstand Quotes) I have similar feelings, actually. The intimacy of a club: you can see the people, you can almost feel them; you can’t beat that. People will say things, and shout out, it’s almost like they’re up on the bandstand with you  (Bandstand Quotes)