Based Quotes

Text Quotes
We do not determine right or wrong based on what everybody else is doing (Based Quotes)
If divorce has increased by one thousand percent, don’t blame the women’s movement. Blame the obsolete sex roles on which our marriages were based. (Based Quotes)
Because orgasmic sex would lead to women’s autonomy, knowing who you are and what we want: Women are not going to follow what some jackass tells us we must do. Not all women are going to get married, be monogamous and raise a family. It will destroy the current social structure based on a sexual double standard that we’re currently living under. (Based Quotes)
I think that what ‘Oz’ did is it spawned a great generation of television production. But people know its place in television and just in great dramas. It’s the foundation of my career. Most producers, show runners, directors, and casting directors put me in movies based on my performance in that show. (Based Quotes)
I think the struggle, whenever you make a film or television movie based on a real person’s life, is finding a dramatic arc that will hold an audience’s attention. (Based Quotes)
Our normal sense of the person as a lonely island of consciousness, is a dramatic illusion based on theological imagery. (Based Quotes)
It’s actually a rather romantic and dramatic story --- one I would eagerly tell you, except for the fact that I recently forgot it, based on it being far too long and having not enough decapitations. (Based Quotes)
The Next Wave’ started as a drawing for a new silkscreen fine art print. I ended up doing the prints digitally because the water-based inks were better for the environment than the oil based inks. So, I learned about the Epson digital printers to get the image I wanted. (Based Quotes)
It’s all based around the idea that basically VW cars are space age. They’re the worst cars to use in action movie, because all the things you want to traditionally do in an action movie they won’t allow you to do, because they make you drive safely if you want to or not. (Based Quotes)
Merely presenting a driver’s license or other document based on a birth certificate is not enough for an accurate verification. Biometric verification of identity must be made and then a data base of those persons who have legal status must be checked. (Based Quotes)
Preparation is based on one driving force for me and that is to be relaxed enough to be able to listen to what the candidates are saying and react appropriately. (Based Quotes)
Pacifism as a mass movement aims to avoid suffering; pacifists often say that no cause is worth suffering or dying for. The ethos of Solidarity is based on an opposite premise - that there are causes worth suffering and dying for. (Based Quotes)
My first ideas of human in vitro fertilization (IVF) arose with my Ph.D. in Edinburgh University in the early 1950s. Supervised by Alan Beatty, my research was based on his work on altering chromosomal complements in mouse embryos. (Based Quotes)
All great civilisations, in their early stages, are based on success in war (Based Quotes)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that God, now, is about to establish a kingdom on this earth, based upon brotherhood and peace. And the white man is against brotherhood, and the white man is against peace. (Based Quotes)
I’d always wanted the show to be more reality based science fiction, something along the lines of The Day the Earth Stood Still, which I consider to be the classic science fiction film. (Based Quotes)
I will try to work for greater reconciliation, cooperation and peace in North East Asia based on correct perception of history. (Based Quotes)
I’ve been lucky enough to travel widely. When you’re based in Europe, it’s very easy to go to Madrid or Budapest for the weekend. I also lived in Italy for ten years and now live in Ireland. (Based Quotes)
Assess Bitcoins? All you can do is examine the trading patterns, which do not provide a real analysis of any underlying economic value. The economics of investments are not solely based on supply and demand, and that is all that goes into Bitcoin prices. (Based Quotes)
You’ve got to do everything, everything’s got to be pointing in the same direction and you’ve got to really turn this whole economic engine from one that’s based on fossil fuels to one that isn’t. (Based Quotes)
When the economy of a country is based fundamentally on the principles of truth and honesty, that nation experiences economic stability. (Based Quotes)
Europe is difficult to coordinate, and our main deficit may not even lie in this area of finance and economics, but in foreign and security policy. We have a leadership problem because we are still 27 different members who have still not decided on how to work with each other based on what we used to call a European constitution. (Based Quotes)
There’ll be a growing disparity between economics and politics. An economy that grows so rapidly is intractably global. On the other hand, the current political system is intractably national. So there is a growing dichotomy between a global economy and locally based politics. (Based Quotes)
Congratulations to Barack Obama - great victory based on building fairer economy and optimism about what politics can achieve. (Based Quotes)
Traditional education is based on facts and figures and passing tests - not on a comprehension of the material and its application to your life. (Based Quotes)
An education system where student selection is based on credit capacity and not merit capacity and where graduating students are no longer indebted to the nation, but increasingly indebted to the Australian Taxation Office - that’s no way to improve the quality of education. (Based Quotes)
True security is based on people’s welfare - on a thriving economy, on strong public health and education programmes, and on fundamental respect for our common humanity. Development, peace, disarmament, reconciliation and justice are not separate from security; they help to underpin it. (Based Quotes)
Real security, in other words, is inseparable from issues of energy policy; education; public health; preservation of soils, forests, and waters; and broadly based, sustainable prosperity. (Based Quotes)
There are literally a thousand works with the title Malcolm X in them. There are over 350 films and over 320 web-based educational resources with the title Malcolm X, yet the vast majority of them are based on secondary literatures, that is, not on primary source material. (Based Quotes)
I regard monotheism as the greatest disaster ever to befall the human race. I see no good in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam - good people, yes, but any religion based on a single, well, frenzied and virulent God, is not as useful to the human race as, say, Confucianism, which is not a religion but an ethical and educational system. (Based Quotes)