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I watch the weirdest things. I watch old episodes of ‘Golden Girls’ because my mom watches it, so I grew up watching that. Sometimes I watch reruns of ‘Futurama,’ which is a cartoon and not based in the real world at all. (Based Quotes)
I don’t believe in a golden mean; I don’t believe you find policy wisdom between two polar points. I don’t dismiss that possibility, but I look at the platform that’s so ideologically based, that’s so dismissive of facts, of evidence, of science, and it’s frankly hard to take seriously. (Based Quotes)
What I have said is that I think the federal government and we as a society have come too far in trying to separate good organizations that perform good functions for people just based on the fact one has a religious association and one doesn’t. (Based Quotes)
The greatest tragedy in mankind’s entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion. However valuable-even necessary-that may have been in enforcing good behavior on primitive peoples, their association is now counterproductive. Yet at the very moment when they should be decoupled, sanctimonious nitwits are calling for a return to morals based on superstition. (Based Quotes)
I do not favor or support, nor will I vote for, a pathway to citizenship for people that are here who’ve broken the law. I would support - after we have developed a secure border - a mechanism for allowing those folks to work here in America... Everything that we should do should be based on good, sound policy and what’s right for America. (Based Quotes)
My job is to listen to ideas, maybe cook up a few of my own, and make decisions based on what’s good for the shareholders and for the company. (Based Quotes)
If the critics are right that I’ve made all my decisions based on polls, then I must not be very good at reading them. (Based Quotes)
Good Deeds Day is based on a simple idea that every person can do a good deed for the benefit of others and the planet. Even a smile that brightens someone else’s day is a good deed. I initiated Good Deeds Day to spread the message that everyone can give of themselves, according to their heart’s desire. (Based Quotes)
All mental hygiene is based on the core practice of doing nothing. Most of us are good at wasting time, staring at the wall while telling ourselves we should be working. We call this doing nothing, but our brains are furiously active. We think constantly, and our thinking is often rife with distress. (Based Quotes)
Based on current surveys of public opinion in the United States, it turns out that the majority of Americans think I’ve done a pretty good job. (Based Quotes)
No philosophy based on an incorrect view of the nature of man is likely to produce social good (Based Quotes)
I think that good writing is based on good reading. Maybe it’s not about writing today, maybe it’s about reading today. Maybe it’s about finding the sort of book you would never read. (Based Quotes)
But we need more than a broader understanding of what is a good society or a moral and political critique of the existing market fundamentalism engulfing American society, we also need to create new forms of solidarity, new and broad based social movements that move beyond the isolated and fractured politics of the current historical moment. (Based Quotes)
Good-to-great companies set their goals and strategies based on understanding; comparison companies set their goals and strategies based on bravado. (Based Quotes)
I felt that, in some ways, my novels lacked heart because of the distance between me and the subject matter. But no one wants to read a book based on good health, a happy upbringing, a long marriage. (Based Quotes)
It is only when the individual is good that society will progress. When the society and the nation is based on the observance of human values. (Based Quotes)
If you fall in love based on zero hours spent with me? That’s maybe something to be aware of. That will fade fast. You can’t be in love with a google search. (Based Quotes)
The rationale for the vast network of government welfare programs as well as regulation and control over private enterprise is based on the socialist analysis of the market economy. (Based Quotes)
But government in which the majority rule in all cases can not be based on justice, even as far as men understand it. (Based Quotes)
I was voted valedictorian, and at my school it wasn’t based on grades; that was the popular vote. (Based Quotes)
For me, the essence of the great American Dream is spiritual. I believe that our Constitution is inspired and that it is based on principles that are timeless and universal. This is the reason why 95% of all written constitutions throughout the world are modeled after our Constitution. (Based Quotes)
Entertainment isn’t just based on the very structured syndrome of European popular music, and it’s great that there are so many thousands of people who are of the same opinion. (Based Quotes)
It’s so damn hard to write a great historical mystery based on fact. It’s not for lack of trying. (Based Quotes)
As a teenager, I developed a great interest in not only horse breeding but also horse racing and used to bet based on red-hot tips. I realized that becoming a bookmaker would be very lucrative, but Dad put his foot down, saying it was an inappropriate career. (Based Quotes)
The great paradox of the civil rights revolution is that instead of enforcing and expanding equality before the law, the revolution created differential rights based on race, gender and, any day now, sexual orientation. The great liberal revolution, centuries in the making, that brought forth equality in law has been overthrown. In its place we see rising a new feudal legal order of status-based rights. (Based Quotes)
When people give away stocks based on forced selling or fear that is usually a great opportunity (Based Quotes)
What we say here every day is that our success is really based on our members’ success, our community’s success. We’ve created an infrastructure and laid some basic ground rules to create this marketplace. (Based Quotes)
All the time I was playing the flute, the lines, the solos, the riffs, the construction, were based on my guitar skills. I did not play the flute to exploit its natural faculties, but I used it as a surrogate guitar. (Based Quotes)
I remember when I read Walter, for example, six years ago now, I said, This is the role for me. I said that to my family. There was something there that I knew was absolutely right, and that was just based on the character. That’s when gut instinct comes into play. I know there are certain things I won’t do. (Based Quotes)
I can’t believe we got grades in gym class. I’ve never used anything I learned in there. All right, I’m standing in front of a room full of strangers. Based on what I learned in gym class, I will throw a red ball at a fat guy. (Based Quotes)