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This could be done in part, because the equipment was very inexpensive. Not much money was involved in tooling so that basic changes of that type could be accomplished  (Basic Quotes) And each of these perspectives comes to the same conclusion, which is that our global economy is out of control and performing contrary to basic principles of market economics  (Basic Quotes) Best I can do for them is to give them every piece of information I can find and let them make the judgments. That’s just my basic view of my function as a journalist  (Basic Quotes) Studies indicate that most of young adults struggle to grasp even the most basic financial principles that will allow them to manage money and prepare for their future  (Basic Quotes) Actually, this seems to be the basic need of the human heart in nearly every great crisis? A good hot cup of coffee  (Basic Quotes) You have that one basic string, but it can vibrate in many ways. But we’re trying to get a lot of particles because experimental physicists have discovered a lot of particles  (Basic Quotes) Innovation is the key to the future, but basic research is the key to future innovation  (Basic Quotes) The broader and more influential organisations of businessmen have acted to undermine the basic foundation of the free market system they purport to represent and defend  (Basic Quotes) The basic clay of our work is the youth; we place our hope in it and prepare it to take the banner from our hands  (Basic Quotes) The passing of state power from one class to another is the first, the principal, the basic sign of a revolution, both in the strictly scientific and in the practical political meaning of that term  (Basic Quotes) There is only one curriculum, no matter what the method of education: what is basic and universal in human experience and practice, the underlying structure of culture  (Basic Quotes) The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others  (Basic Quotes) Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female  (Basic Quotes) But you can’t extend, or go beyond any point musically, without the basic fundamentals  (Basic Quotes) Personnel and their capacity for work on their exact jobs is the basic key to income and success  (Basic Quotes) I always have a basic plot outline, but I like to leave some things to be decided while I write  (Basic Quotes) Basic fact of life: no matter how far you run, you always take yourself with you  (Basic Quotes) What all the basic religions are saying is this: Don’t do anything that isn’t play  (Basic Quotes) The cold, basic truth is that you are a vital and necessary part of this world  (Basic Quotes) Space is the basic ingredient of the universe; there is more of it than anything else  (Basic Quotes) A generous basic state pension is the least a civilized society should offer those who have worked hard and saved through their whole lives  (Basic Quotes) The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. It is not so much a war as an endless standing in line  (Basic Quotes) There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences  (Basic Quotes) If people have a basic understanding of right from wrong, possess a strong desire to better themselves and persist in there cause, they can break the chain of any negative environment  (Basic Quotes) The basic principle which I believe has contributed more than any other to the building of our business as it is today, is the ownership of our company by the people employed in it  (Basic Quotes) There’s a basic human weakness inherent in all people which tempts them to want what they can’t have and not want what is readily available to them  (Basic Quotes) The main purpose of Social Security is to redistribute wealth, to make an increasingly large number of Americans dependent on government for their basic needs in their retirement years  (Basic Quotes) More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question  (Basic Quotes) The same basic tools we’ve used for thousands of years to connect with people, to draw them in and to hold their attention will always work, even if we’re telling our stories 140 characters at a time  (Basic Quotes) There’s no reason to think that you’ll be capable of loyalty to a diet until you address your basic disloyalty toward yourself  (Basic Quotes)
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