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Basic Quotes

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I have a basic philosophy that I’ve tried to follow during my coaching career. Whether you’re winning or losing, it’s important to always be yourself. You can’t change because of the circumstances around you.  (Basic Quotes) I love to travel, and I think being whisked away somewhere for a vacation is a pretty amazing date. But, I’m really into the basic movie and dinner. It’s not where you are but who you’re with that really matters.  (Basic Quotes) Individual liberty, the basic underpinning of American society, requires constant defense against the encroachment of the state.  (Basic Quotes) The American experience influenced my understanding of individuality, basic human rights, freedom of expression and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.  (Basic Quotes) Let us remember we are all part of one American family. We are united in common values, and that includes belief in equality under the law, basic respect for public order, and the right of peaceful protest.  (Basic Quotes) I think the attraction of ‘American Idol’ is about the basic human nature attitude that is, ‘We can put you up there. But we can take you down.’  (Basic Quotes) The most basic principle to being a free American is the notion that we as individuals are responsible for our own lives and decisions  (Basic Quotes) It is ironic that American women now need to be fortified by the inspiration of the women of the Arab Spring, who risked so much to win basic human rights.  (Basic Quotes) During three decades from 1947 to 1977, the nation implemented what might be called a basic bargain with American workers. Employers paid them enough to buy what they produced.  (Basic Quotes) Sochi started with the same problem as every Winter Olympics. Forget the crass commercialism, the fake amateurism, NBC’s refusal to televise important events live to all its viewers. As an event, the Winter Games fail on the most basic level. They’re lousy to watch.  (Basic Quotes) I really loved crunk. I loved the extreme nature of it, how repetitious it was, and how these basic, angry chants would just be repeated over and over again.  (Basic Quotes) If abandoning animal research means that there are some things we cannot learn, then so be it ... We have no basic right ... not to be harmed by those natural diseases we are heir to.  (Basic Quotes) I’m all in favor of animal rights, but I’d like to see the food movement take a much stronger stand in defense of basic human rights. If you’re a vegan or a vegetarian, you should care about the people who are picking your fruits and vegetables by hand.  (Basic Quotes) KFC has no excuse for refusing to adopt these basic, minimal animal-welfare standards ... After two years of fruitless negotiations with the company, we’re trying a more personal approach.  (Basic Quotes) Look at every show on television; it’s derivative of another show that came before it. It was only a matter of time. So all you ‘Mentalist’ fans, it’s okay to like the show, but don’t be in denial of where it came from. Friday nights, U.S.A., basic cable-style baby.  (Basic Quotes) More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question.  (Basic Quotes) I love Lauryn Hill, Tracy Chapman, Fiona Apple. People like that. People you can really connect to on the most basic human level.  (Basic Quotes) Personally, I attach great importance to research in fundamental sciences because I believe that no applied or developmental research can do without basic research as the wellspring and driving force. But, in this world of ours, often because of material gains and immediate interests, it is easy to neglect basic research. This should be avoided.  (Basic Quotes) There is a basic problem that a lot of Western monks and nuns become ordained without really understanding or appreciating what the monastic life is all about.  (Basic Quotes) Of course I believe imaginative architecture can make a difference to people’s lives, but I wish it was possible to divert some of the effort we put into ambitious museums and galleries into the basic architectural building blocks of society.  (Basic Quotes) Real art is basic emotion. If a scene is handled with simplicity - and I don’t mean simple - it’ll be good, and the public will know it.  (Basic Quotes) Art takes different forms... But it represents something that is basic in all of us-our history.  (Basic Quotes) My cloud photographs are equivalents of my most profound life experiences, my basic philosophy of life. All art is an equivalent of the artist’s most profound life experiences.  (Basic Quotes) The basic purpose of a liberal arts education is to liberate the human being to exercise his or her potential to the fullest.  (Basic Quotes) Everywhere I go I find that people... both leaders and individuals... are asking one basic question, ‘Is there any hope for the future?’ My answer is the same, ‘Yes, through Jesus Christ.’  (Basic Quotes) But I think talent as a writer is hard-wired in, it’s all there, at least the basic elements of it. You can’t change it any more than you can choose whether to be right handed or left handed.  (Basic Quotes) We like to think about how smart we are. But I think talent as a writer is hard-wired in, it’s all there, at least the basic elements of it. You can’t change it any more than you can choose whether to be right handed or left handed.  (Basic Quotes) Filling a need is not merely good business; it’s a basic attitude towards life. If you see a need, do whatever you can to meet that need.  (Basic Quotes) My father was a die maker for 39 years, so I had a basic understanding of the automobile industry and what the manufacturing world was like, just from the opportunity to spend time with him - just talking, because he was a car buff.  (Basic Quotes) The more money you take away from families is the less power that family has. And that’s a basic power.  (Basic Quotes)
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